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Hisoka ~

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

I stared at Kira, who had gone silent. Her eyes refused to meet mine and I knew immediately I was right. Deep down, she wanted to use that power, too. A part of her was afraid, but another wanted to be able summon it, control it and wield it. That was all I needed to know, for now.

"Relax, I'm joking," I quickly assured her with a change of tone. I didn't want to push her just yet. I was content enough confirming that our objectives somewhat aligned. 

"You're not entirely wrong."

I blinked at her in surprise. I wasn't expecting her to admit it herself, at least not anytime soon. What wonderful progress. But I guess when a person wants revenge badly enough, anything can become a solution. I suppressed an excited smile, realising I had severely underestimated her ambition. 

"Of course, I have considered it," Kira began hesitantly. "As tempting as it is to use that power, the price isn't worth it. Every time I summon the demon, whether on purpose of by accident, it ends up taking over and killing the people around me."

"Did it kill me?" I asked, staring up at her. 

She paused for a moment, then slowly shook her head. 

"If I'm not mistaken, the last two times it happened, I was around." I observed, standing up and idly returning to my chair. "And yet, here I am, alive and well. I'm much harder to kill than you think."

Sitting across from me, her eyes were clouded with confusion. She knew I had a point, but what made that point valid was still a mystery. "You just got lucky," she dismissed. "I wouldn't keep pushing your luck if I were you."

"Or rather, you were able to suppress your urges to kill me." I had survived two encounters with the demon that had wiped out an entire Mafia unit and left a Shadowbeast traumatised. It couldn't be reduced to something as trivial as luck. "You've found a way to control it."

"I haven't," she protested in exasperation. "In case you didn't realise, it always manages to take over. It would've last night if I had remained in that state a second longer, and you wouldn't be here to smile at me now."

"That's where you're wrong, Sweetheart. Instead of your demon taking over, I'd say you simply lose control of it."

She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "That is the same thing."

"Wrong again." I said and produced a deck of cards. "You speak of your demon as if it's a separate entity," I explained, splitting the deck in half. "But I believe it's more accurate to say that it is just a part of you." I merged the two decks into one with a shuffle. "Therefore, with enough training, you should be able to control it."

"You think I haven't tried?"

"Blindly trying and properly executing are two very different things. Firstly, your fundamentals are lacking. I don't doubt that you're physically strong, but your Nen is in desperate need of  refining." I pointed out plainly. "Of course, you're not entirely to blame, Sweetheart. After all, you've never received proper training in the Mafia, especially under a Shadowbeast who had also learnt through the same crude, trial-and-error method."

"How did you..." Kira seemed surprised that I knew of her background. Surely she had realised by now that there was nothing she could hide from me.

Instead of denying, she fell silent, running over my words. She knew it too, that her Nen was rough and insufficient, therefore her fighting style to relied on raw speed and power.  As impressive as it was to have come so far on brute strength, it was no longer sustainable at this level. 

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now