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Kira ~

I let out a yawn as I entered the elevator, after quite a long day of fighting. I smiled to myself in satisfaction. To be perfectly honest, all three matches I participated in today were quite boring, but nonetheless, they brought me one step closer to my goal. And for that, I was mildly grateful.

The door slid open before me, and I stepped out onto floor 200. Finally. Hopefully there will be better opponents up here. Even though I was after revenge, I still wanted to have fun while at it.

I continued down the corridor, following the instructions I was given. Now I needed to register for a match, before midnight, or I would lose my progress. Not that I hadn't planned on signing up as soon as possible.

Just ten more fights. Ten more wins. Ten more, and I'd be able to challenge him. Azaro...

He would pay for what he had done. And I would be the one to make sure of it. A life for a life.

Suddenly I felt an incredible surge of bloodlust projected towards me. The powerful, malicious aura almost kept me from moving forwards. Almost. I forced myself to tread onwards, strengthening my own aura for protection. I've already made it this far. Nothing was going to stop me.

But as I drew nearer to the source of the tremendous power, I felt a strange familiarity. That bloodlust... I had felt it before. The closer I got, the more certain I was that I had indeed encountered it somewhere. Could it be Azaro? No, surely not. His aura was just as hostile, but more sadistic. I remembered it clearly. Too clearly.

I had to find out who this Nen user was. After all, there was a likelihood of getting matched up with them for a fight. I quickened my pace, and turned the corner.

In amidst of the flaming purple aura, a slender, well-built man sat comfortably on the floor, carefully building a house of cards. The man's flaming red hair, unnaturally fair skin, along with his eccentric makeup and outfit, was unmistakable.

My jaw dropped in surprise.

"It's you..."

His gaze flicked up, golden eyes piercing through mine.

The clown before me did not look surprised at all. If anything, it was like he had been expecting my arrival. His face lit up with a smile, and the bloodlust receded. "Hello, Sweetheart. It's been a while." Hisoka remarked casually, before turning his attention back to the cards.

"A while? It's literally been three days!" Actually, it hadn't even been a full seventy-two hours since I last saw him.

"Hmm, really?" He added another layer to his little infrastructure. "It felt like a long time to me."

Why can't I get rid of this clown? He seemed to be appearing everywhere. "What are you even doing here?"

He continued to focus on his cards, ignoring my question. Squinting ever-so-slightly, he carefully propped up two more cards, completing the final level of his house. It was impressive, but I didn't care. "Hey, are you listening?"

Again, there was no response. He didn't even look at me. He simply stared at his work in satisfaction. The audacity...

We've only just reunited, and he was already making me simmer with anger. And to think that I was even a little reluctant about our parting. That's it.

Slowly, I knelt down beside Hisoka. He didn't react. Perfect. I reached over and pulled a card out from the bottom of the stack. Take that, you clown. But instead of cascading down, the house remained intact.

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now