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Kira ~

"Stupid Hisoka..." I complained. I'm not even tired. Yet the moment I laid down, my eyes threatened to close. No, I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. But on the other hand, I couldn't help it. My head started to feel drowsy. Maybe it was the venom. It's fine, I'll rest for a bit. Just for half an hour. I closed my eyes, and slipped out of consciousness. My mind drifted into a hazy dream.

Nine years ago...

I ran through the dark alleyway, as gunshots sounded behind me. The rain and tears blurred my vision, and my breathing hitched in my throat, but I kept running.

"Come on, Kira," I heard my brother's voice. "We're almost there!"

I could hear our pursuers gaining on us. Their deafening gunfire and clattering footsteps rapidly approached, along with their threatening shouts. But we were so close. Around one more corner, and we'd be safe. We're almost there...

Then, I lost my footing and my legs gave away from exhaustion. I stumbled forwards, unable to stop myself from falling. My knees connected painfully with the cold, hard concrete.

Kyros turned, sprinting back to me in worry. "Kira, are you alright? Quick, we have to go!" With both hands, he lifted me up onto my feet.

"Not so fast." An menacing voice cut through the air.

Our pursuers had cornered us. Their leader, the Shadowbeast, snarled viciously, approaching with hostile intent. Immediately, Kyros stepped in front, shielding me. "Let my sister go. It's me you're after, Azaro."

Then the realisation struck me like an arrow to the heart. Kyros had never believed, even for a second, that we'd make it. He was just pretending, for my sake. He had intended to sacrifice himself all along.

"No, Kyros, you can't!" I begged him, tears threatened to fall. I couldn't lose him.

Instead, he turned and smiled at me reassuringly. "Everything will be okay."

I knew it wouldn't. He knew that too.

"How touching." Azaro sneered spitefully. "But Kyros, you are in no position to negotiate."

My brother firmly stood his ground. "Leave her out of it."

But that only made the Shadowbeast more bloodthirsty, more determined to see Kyros in pain. His face twisted into a grotesque smile. "Take them both."

The armed men closed in around us. I felt my brother wrap one arm protectively around me, and drew a knife with his other. "Stay back!"

"Or what?" Azaro taunted, his voice a venomous mixture of bitterness and amusement.

Kyros glared angrily at him, and swung his blade. An immense wave of pure force swept through the air around us, knocking down the first line of soldiers. But it seemed to make no difference, as more advanced to replace them. I drew both my knives, poised to strike. We were going to make it out alive. The two of us.

At once, the enemies charged at us, brandishing their guns and blades. Kyros leapt into action, dodging bullets and swords, while taking down opponents, several at a time. I wasn't nearly as skilled, but the least I could do was hold my own, and not become a liability. Several times, I felt their bullets graze me, but I kept fighting. We had to survive.

A cry of pain pierced through the chaos of the bloodbath. I spun to see my brother on his knees, impaled in the shoulder with a spear. The wielder was none other than Azaro, the cold-blooded Shadowbeast. Without hesitation, he yanked the spear out, and Kyros roared in agony.

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now