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Hisoka ~

By the time I woke up, it was already well past midday. I felt quite content, with the amount of sleep I had. My body definitely seemed more energised. Despite this, I chose to remain seated under the tree. I couldn't be bothered to move.

My phone vibrated, no doubt a call from Illumi. He probably wanted to yell at me for not making progress. Still, I picked up. Illumi wasn't someone to ignore.

"Hisoka, have you taken your target's tag?" He asked with a sceptical tone.

"No, not yet." I answered truthfully. Illumi also wasn't someone to lie to.

"You don't even know who your target is, do you?"


"Want me to tell you?" He offered. Why was I not surprised? Of course he'd know. What a try hard.

"No, it doesn't matter." I replied indifferently. "I'll just find three others to hunt."

To be honest, I wasn't in a hurry. My bloodlust seemed to have receded, so now I was just feeling lazy. Besides, the hunt was to go on for an entire week, giving me more than enough time. For now, I decided to idle around for a bit, someone was bound to show up sooner or later.

After about two hours or so, I heard rustling in the bushes surrounding me. Unconsciously, a smile formed on my face. Finally. I felt my excitement start to grow.

"Well, come out. I know you're there."

There was no response. Must I always make the first move?

"If you won't come out, I'll come to you." I slowly stood up, and approached where I presumed the candidate was hiding.

As expected, a man emerged from the undergrowth, brandishing a spear. "I challenge you to a duel."

I took one glance at him, and words could not express the full extent of my disappointment. This man already had one foot in the grave. "You'll die."

Nonetheless, he charged at me. I mean, fair enough, he had nothing to lose. Still, I couldn't find the motivation to fight him. His attacks were relentless, yet sloppy, and too easy to dodge. I could tell that he was tiring fast. With a wild swing of his spear, which completely missed me, he cleanly cut down the tree that stood in the centre of the clearing.

This guy just destroyed my shelter! The audacity! Nevertheless, I remained composed. My performance had been spectacular so far, and I intended to keep it up.

Having used up the last of his energy, the man dropped to his knees, leaning heavily against his spear.

"Hisoka... explain yourself..." He panted, out of breath. "Why won't you attack me?"

"If I continue to avoid your attacks, you'll die eventually." I answered him nonchalantly. "I can tell from the swarm of Hemotropic Butterflies that your wounds are grave."

He gaped at me in shock. What? Did he think I was an idiot? Never mind that, stay calm.

"Someone else has already dealt you a fatal blow, yes?" I continued. "Though I understand your desire to die in battle."

"If you... If you understand so well, why do you still refuse to fight me?!" He struggled to even get the words out.

"I have no interest in the dead." I replied calmly.

"What? I'm not yet..."

"You're already dead. It's in your eyes." Surely he knew that too.

By attempting to challenge me, he was committing suicide, to prevent himself from dying in shame. Too bad for him, I wasn't in a sympathetic mood today.

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now