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Kira ~

This was day two of speedrunning up this stupid tower. So far I was sorely disappointed in what Heavens Arena had to offer. No one had put up a good fight, and I had already progressed smoothly to floor 190. Doesn't matter. Focus on the objective. I couldn't afford to lose sight of my goal. I had to get to floor 200 as soon as possible. Then, after 10 more fights, I would be able to challenge him. I will avenge you, Kyros, I promise.

I entered the arena. There were a few miscellaneous cheers from the crowd. Not many people knew me yet, considering I'd only been here for a day. Even fewer had seen me actually fight. I hadn't planned on giving them a good show either. So far, I've been prioritising speed over all else, usually finishing off opponents in one or two blows. It was a pity they didn't allow weapons until level 200. My knives would've made things a lot quicker.

My opponent strutted into the ring, from the opposite end of the room and the crowd went wild. Oh god. Immediately, I could tell why she was a crowd favourite. Bunch of simps. I could also derive, from how she was dressed, the reason the spectators were mostly males. This isn't a fighter. This is a... I shouldn't say it. Her outfit was truly ridiculous, consisting of a flimsy body suit that went way too far up her ass and too low down her chest. To describe it as revealing would've been an extreme understatement. She's even more of a clown than Hisoka. And that's really saying something.

Wait a minute... why was I thinking about him just now? Oh, please, get the hell out of my head. He was just too... memorable. Memorable was a good word.

I sighed. I was beginning to feel that this place was more of a massive show ground, than a combat arena. Hopefully things were different beyond the 200th floor. They better be.

But right now, I had to focus on the task at hand. At the sound of the whistle, the match began. Immediately, my opponent dashed towards me, going for a kick. Too easy. I simply stepped to the side, and the girl went flying past me. Woah, slow down there. At this rate, she was more likely to knock herself out.

As expected, the advice was not taken. The bunny-eared girl simply re-steadied herself, and launched another attack. This time, I caught her fist, as she attempted a punch. Game over. You had the chance. I effortlessly flung her out of the ring.

Yet again, she got back to her feet, and stumbled into the ring. You're kidding me. She charged recklessly towards me, no doubt furious from being humiliated in front of her home crowd. I readied myself for another punch, this time, intending to knock her out. Away you go. With a swing of my arm, the girl was sent flying again. And don't come...

... Back. Never mind.

To my surprise, as well as annoyance, she managed to climb back into the ring, and with every ounce of effort, she stood up to face me. From that blow, she should've taken considerable damage, yet she managed a weak stance. Could she be a Nen user? She was the first one I've encountered so far at Heavens Arena. I've noticed the other fighters relied solely on physical strength. However, judging from her attacks, she didn't seem to be aware of it, nor had she fully mastered the four major principles. Perhaps she was unknowingly using Ten, as a subconscious defence mechanism.

If that was the case, I should be expecting more Nen users from this point on. But right now, it didn't really matter. I just had to find another way to knock her out. Or I could just rack up points with the scoring system.

What was her name again? Never mind. Either way, I was winning this fight.

Hisoka ~

It was late in the afternoon, and I was impatiently pacing circles in my spacious room in Heavens Arena. God, what's taking her so long?

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now