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Hisoka ~

It was half past ten when Kira finally emerged from the bedroom. Thank god, because I had been bored out of my mind for the last several hours. I put down the book that I had been reading to entertain myself and greeted her with a cheerful smile. "Morning, Sweetheart."

She offered a half-hearted smile in return. "Can I use your shower?" She asked, yawning a little. By the looks of it, she hadn't slept much last night.

"By all means," I replied. "Feel free to borrow my clothes if they're to your liking."

She looked a little skeptical, definitely having doubts about my fashion taste, but nodded. "Thanks."

She left the room and I was alone again. Sipping on my coffee, I picked up the book and continued reading. It was a murder mystery with a side of dark romance, my favourite genre. The murderer was quite creative with his crimes, which gave me a few ideas.

After a while, Kira came back, wearing one of my white cropped singlets, hanging loosely around her shoulders, and my only pair of black cargos, which I had forgotten about. They were several sizes too big but she had somehow made it work with her belt.

"You look adorable, Sweetheart." I said, happy to see her in my trademark heart and diamond shirt. I loved the way we were now matching, as I was wearing a black and red version. "Come join me, I've ordered room service."

"I have no idea how you wear this all day, let alone fight." She commented, referring to my clothes. "That corset cannot be comfortable."

"But it does wonders for my figure, don't you think?"

"I guess," she said, as she sat down beside me. "Not the most practical, but you do you."

I smiled at the fact that she didn't deny it. I mean, look at me. How could she? It made me want to tease her. "Or would you rather I take it off?" I asked playfully, pretending to undo the laces in the back. "Are you that curious to see what's underneath it?" We both knew full well I was wearing nothing under.

"No, thank you. I can live without it." She quickly replied, then proceeded to pour herself a cup of coffee as distraction. But I didn't miss the way her cheeks flushed a shade of light pink.

It was cute. If only she was like this more often. Perhaps I should mess with her more. But before I could tease her again, I heard a knock on the door. It was probably the room service. "Just in time," I said, standing up to answer it. "I'll be right back."

I opened the door but was momentarily surprised. "You're not what I ordered."

"Evidently," the man said bluntly. "You seem to have a guest." He must've sensed Kira's presence.

"Technically speaking, you're the guest. And a very unexpected one, Gittarackur."

Kira ~

When Hisoka returned, he didn't bring any food with him. Instead, he brought a creepy man with a purple mohawk and pins sticking into him. Please, not the puppet.

I watched as Gittarackur awkwardly shuffled in behind Hisoka. I shuddered. Everything about him was terrifying; his appearance, his aura, his creepy gaze. Even the way he was dressed reminded me of an evil possessed doll. Although, I couldn't say much about that right now, considering the fact that I was currently in matching outfits with a clown.

"You can relax now," Hisoka said to his weird friend. He then turned to me. "Kira won't mind, will you?"

I was confused, but shook my head slowly. I didn't know how anyone could relax with pins up their ass but alright. Hisoka sat down beside me again and continued to stare expectantly at the man. He leaned over to whisper in my ear. "You're in for a treat."

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now