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Kira ~

I limped through the corridors, trying to make it back to my room. It was great and all, having won my first match, but now I had to deal with the damage I had taken. During the fight, my adrenaline had dulled the pain but now the electricity burns on my left leg stung like a...

I shouldn't finish that sentence. Although, I did have a lot of colourful words in mind. I glanced down at my leg, seeing the jagged red wounds along my calf and around my ankle. Fortunately, my Nen offered some protection and reduced the damage. 

Nevertheless, this was going to be a pain in the ass to heal. I shuddered at the sight of my own bloody leg. I immediately hated the idea of having to clean that up. I wished Riehlvelt had just broken my leg instead, preferably in a clean snap. Why did he have to make the injury so messy?

Suddenly, I felt a wave of bloodlust wash over me. I panicked initially, knowing that I was in no condition to withstand another battle. Then I realised that this malicious aura felt strangely familiar. Slowly, I looked up.

Ah, as I thought. The clown had made an appearance. In the heat of the fight, I had almost forgotten about him.

"Looks like you need a hand," Hisoka commented idly. 

"You think so?"

He smiled and picked me up, careful not to strain my injured leg. Normally, I would've pushed the creep away but right now, I really didn't feel like walking. In fact, I didn't feel like moving at all. I rested my head against his shoulder as he carried me to his room. 

"You missed my fight."

"Who said I did?"

"I didn't see you amongst the spectators."

"Yes, I was indeed a little late," he admitted. "My apologies. But I did arrive in time to see the good part."

"You mean when I got electrocuted?"

He laughed lightly as he brought me to his bathroom, filled with the scent of cotton candy and roses. "A real shock, wasn't it?"

This bastard. I gave him an annoyed look. "You could've warned me."

"Oh, but I did." He said, setting me down on the edge of the bathtub. 

"Maybe letting me know that his whips were charged with 1 000 000 volts of live electricity would've been helpful."

"But that would ruin the surprise. What's the fun in that?"

Yes, very fun. This was all just entertainment for him. If I had died in that fight, great, and if I didn't, even better. It only meant that he got to keep his toy for a little while longer. Not that any of this mattered to me. As much as he was using me, I was also using him to achieve my own objective. 

Hisoka knelt down in front of me and inspected the damage. "I didn't expect you to charge in so recklessly again, after that first shock. It was careless of you, Kira."

"Thanks for the reminder." I winced as he cleaned my wounds with running water. Now that the blood was washing away, I got a better view of my seared flesh. I looked away.

He handed me a metal flask. "Drink, it helps."

"What is it?" 


That was a good enough answer for me. I took the flask and drank deeply, feeling the liquid burn down my throat. The pain dulled a little as my body heated up from the alcohol. 

Hisoka proceeded to carefully close up my wounds with Bungee Gum, before covering them with bandages, transformed by Texture Surprise. His aura was surprisingly gentle and made the process relatively painless. 

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now