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Hisoka ~

It had been three months since Kira's meeting with Azaro. Upon seeing the effect that he had on her, I was worried. Before that, I had never seen Kira so visibly afraid of anyone. It had me doubting whether or not she would be able to take him on in a fight. 

But turns out her resolve was stronger than her fear. Her hunger for revenge only seemed to grow after that interaction with Azaro. She trained harder than before and even stopped questioning my teaching methods, which I must say, made things a lot easier. 

And in less than an hour's time, all of it would be put to the test in a death match against Azaro. After tonight, only one of them would leave the arena alive. Personally, I hoped it would be Kira. I had a feeling I would miss her if she died.

Normally, I didn't make it a habit to see Kira before her fights. Any lecturing would've been pointless and I always knew she would win so moral support was just unnecessary. I had told myself that tonight was no different.

Yet, I didn't even make it into the stadium before I found myself turning around and rushing towards the competitors waiting rooms. It wasn't that I didn't have confidence in Kira but I could never be too sure. Anything could happen during that fight. 

Finding her room, I quickly entered without bothering to knock. I was glad that I didn't. Upon walking in, I was greeted by a knife flying towards my head. I barely had time to dodge it before several more were hurled my way.

Fortunately, I managed to evade them unscathed. But even if I was hit, it would've been worth it because I had just walked in on a wondrous sight. Kira stood, her back to me, in a skin-tight bodysuit with sleeves that covered her arms and the zipper halfway up. 

"Do you not know how to knock?!" She screeched, turning her head slightly to glare at me.

I smiled, enjoying the way she was blushing furiously. How adorable. I walked a little closer. "Why? Were you not expecting me?"

She frowned and looked away from me again. "Why would I be? You never came to see me before my fights."

"Tonight is a special occasion," I said, before noticing my black cargo pants on the chair beside her. "Are you planning on wearing that?"

"Yes," she replied frustratedly, while struggling with the zipper of her bodysuit. "After I get this stupid thing unstuck."

"Well, aren't you glad I showed up?" I stepped towards her and brushed her hands aside. "Relax, I got it."

The suit was tight and the material felt very durable. I admired the way it hugged her curves perfectly, from her hips and waist, to the muscles on her arms. I wondered where she had it made and whether I could also get one.

I paused, seeing the scars that decorated her exposed back. They were beautiful. I traced my finger along one of them, right below her shoulder blade. I could feel her shiver slightly beneath my touch and that made me smile.

"Get on with it," Kira urged, impatient and flustered.

"Yes, Sweetheart." I placed a hand on her lower back and worked the zipper up, taking my time. When I was done, I let my my hands rest on her hips, allowing myself the luxury of admiring the suit on her.

"You done?" 

"Almost," I lied. If this was the last time I was going to see her, I wanted to remember it. 

Will this be the last time?

A sudden wave of panic crashed into me. It left as quickly as it came. I almost slapped myself for thinking that way. Yet the tightness in my chest wouldn't go away. Without meaning to, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her into me. 

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now