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Kira ~

As I neared my destination, I sensed someone following me. Circling the block, I confirmed that I was being tailed. I resisted the urge to turn, as to not alert my stalker. But it was dark and I could see nothing in my peripheral. I heard nothing either, except for my own footsteps and shallow breathing. But I could definitely feel it, an unsettling presence lingering behind me, watching and waiting. 

It felt strangely familiar, though I couldn't quite place it. Was it Hisoka? No, it didn't feel like him and he wouldn't bother concealing his presence if he was tailing me. Whoever was following me was trying to staying hidden, though I could still detect their vague aura. 

I knew I couldn't lead them to Gon and Killua, so I took a detour instead. I continued to turn down random alleyways, hoping that my stalker would either give up or show themselves. Slowly, the presence grew stronger and I realised that there were more than one of them. 

Either there had always been multiple people tailing me, or I had made the mistake of stalling and gave time for more to join. If that was the case, I needed to end it here, before more backup arrived. 

Spinning around sharply, I threw a dagger at the direction of the strongest aura that I could feel. The knife hit a stack of wooden crates, knocking it over and revealing a man in a black suit. He momentarily panicked, before pulling out his gun and aiming it at me. 

I frowned in disappointment. He wasn't the leader. He was merely trash at masking his aura. Soon, more of them appeared, all in the same black attires and carrying heavy firearms. My stomach dropped with realisation.

Not many organisations were capable of obtaining these assault rifles, but the Mafia was one of them. How did they know I was alive? And more importantly, how did they find me?

My fear was confirmed as two identical men, with the same dark hair and cruel smiles, stepped out from the shadows. It wasn't one presence that I had felt earlier, but rather two of the same sinister aura. If only I had recognised it earlier, I would have ran instead of challenging them.

There was a reason their auras felt uncomfortably familiar. Axel and Zyan were the Mafia's twin snakes. Despite being assassins, everyone knew that they had more talent for torture. They specialised in hunting down and extracting information from targets. Of all people, why did the Mafia have to send them after me?

"Look at you now," Axel remarked, taking slow steps towards me. "You're all grown up, Kira."

Zyan was right next to him. "Sweetheart, we missed you." 

My eyes darted frantically between the two, and then at the armed mercenaries surrounding me. This wasn't a fight that I could win. Killing the closest soldier to create an opening, I made a run for it. I could've sworn I saw the twins grin as I fled. They had always loved the chase.  

Shuddering at the thought, I continued to run. I didn't dare to look back, in case I saw something that would trigger intense childhood trauma. The twins were a few years older than me, so naturally, we trained together very often in the Mafia. I had always been scared of them, especially after watching them flay a man alive. And worse, they seemed to enjoy it. 

I could hear their footsteps not far behind me. Retracing my steps, I tried to make it back to Heavens Arena. But due to my carelessness, I couldn't remember the route I had taken earlier. 

Even so, what good would it do me, getting back to the arena? It wasn't like I'd be any safer in that building. However, Hisoka would be there. I knew I couldn't always rely on him but I was desperate right now. Two on two were better odds than facing the twins alone. Just make it back to Hisoka...

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now