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Hisoka ~

The crowd cheered wildly as I exited the arena, carrying my severed arm. If there was a talented Nen user amongst them, that person would not be cheering. One good look at my hastily attached right arm and they'd be able to tell that it was utterly useless now. 

I couldn't even muster the strength to form a fist, let alone fight with it. But all I had to do was wave it around, not too much as to arouse suspicion, but enough to make them all believe that it had been magically restored. Fortunately, Kastro believed it. 

I found Machi already waiting for me at the exit. "Good work," she said indifferently. I'd say she was impressed by my performance. "Now show me that injury."

I smiled in response. Thank god she had answered my call earlier. If she hadn't, I would've had to come up with another showstopper that didn't involve detaching my limbs. That would be a pity because it wouldn't have had the same effect. 

Of all the Phantom Troupe members, Machi was the only one I had a way of contacting. However, she refused to reveal anything about the other members or their plans. I must admit, I was feeling very left out. 

Leading her to my room, I laid my arms on the table and sat down. Upon inspecting my injuries, she called me an idiot before using her Nen threads to properly reattach my arms, all the blood vessels, bones, muscles and nerves. 

Machi's ability was wondrous to behold. But it wasn't the most suitable for combat. I had no interest in fighting her. I had found other uses for her, like fixing my injuries and prying information from her about the troupe. Although, the latter hasn't really worked. 

Within minutes, my arms were completely restored. The pain had slightly worsened, which was mildly annoying, but at least I could do magic tricks again. 

As usual, Machi charged heavily for her services, not even a friendly discount. But it was worth the price. I had managed to convince an entire arena, and perhaps the world, that I was able to reattach severed limbs with magic. 

I hoped Kira was watching. With her still in hospital, I had no one to flex to. But I couldn't help myself so I went with the next best option and bragged to Machi. Though she didn't seem to care, I enjoyed talking about the versatility of my abilities. 

"Oh, that's right. I came here for a reason." She said as she was about to leave. "I have new orders. All Troupe members are to be in Yorknew City by noon, August 30th, not just those who find it convenient."

Of course, she didn't come to my aid out of the kindness of her heart. She was here to make money and deliver a message. A message from Chrollo.

My eyes narrowed. "Will the boss be coming?"

"Most likely," she replied. "This could be our biggest job yet. If you skip this one, the boss might hunt you down himself."

"How very scary."

I held back a smile. If only she knew that was exactly what I wanted. It wasn't only Chrollo who I wanted to fight. I wanted to kill every member of the Phantom Troupe who was worth killing. Therefore I had to take it slow. 

First, I needed intel on the troupe before the next meeting, and with Kira away, this was the best opportunity. "Then, care to join me for dinner tonight?" I asked casually. 

But Machi had already left, without even a word of farewell. How rude. My Kira would never do that to me. I hope. Perhaps I should return to the hospital. I was already beginning to miss her. 

Kira ~

The door opened and a pink-haired woman calmly walked out. Momentarily forgetting about my own injuries, I ran towards Hisoka, who was sitting idly at the table. 

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now