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Kira ~

By some god-blessed miracle, both Killua and I managed to arrive back at the meeting point in one piece, and even more surprisingly, with our tags. We were received by the examiners, and boarded the airship once more, this time, with only ten candidates remaining. Among them were Hisoka and his ally, Gittarackur. It didn't take a genius to figure out who the team carry was.

"Kira, come meet my friends!" Killua beckoned, dragging me towards a rather odd looking trio.

The other twelve-year-old jumped at me excitedly, with a wholesome smile. "Hi, Kira! I'm Gon! I'm Killua's best friend." He began to ramble on. "We pretty much spent the whole exam together. Though, I couldn't seem to find him on the island. In the Trick Tower he showed me how he can turn his fingers into claws. It's really cool, right? Killua also tried to teach me how to skate, but that didn't go too well. But he's really good at it! He can do this really awesome kicking thing..."

"Gon, you idiot, cut it out!" the white haired boy turned away, before his face flushed a beetroot red. "It's embarrassing."

"Sorry, Killua!" Gon gave an apologetic smile, one hand awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

I found myself laughing lightly at their antics. These guys were adorable.

"Hi, I'm Kurapika." My attention was drawn to a slightly older boy, with blonde hair and dark grey eyes. "Nice to meet you." He smiled warmly. He seemed highly mature for his age, and not to mention very polite.

Kurapika extended his hand, and I took it, mirroring his kind smile. "I'm Kira. Pleasure's all mine."

"And I'm Mr Leorio Paradinight. But you can call me Leorio." The middle-aged man beside Kurapika introduced himself, giving me a friendly wink.

"Give up, Leorio, she's out of your league." Kurapika cut in casually, with a tone of annoyance. Then he shuddered, as if a nasty thought just came to him. "Besides, you're probably way older than her."

"Hey! I'll have you know, I'm only nineteen, like you!" Leorio declared angrily, grabbing the younger boy by the collar.

Huh? He's nineteen? Looks more like thirty, but alright.

"Um, actually, I'm twenty-two," I told him with an awkward smile, hoping the age gap would throw him off. Instead, his eyes seemed to light up with admiration. Oh boy.

"So, what brings you here?" Kurapika quickly changed the topic, noticing my discomfort. "Why do you want to become a Hunter?"

I thought about his question for a moment. He seemed genuine. But could I trust him completely? I decided to answer truthfully, but left out the details. "There is business with some people I must set right. And someone I need to avenge."

The blonde haired boy regarded me curiously, before replying with a strangely wistful smile. "Same as me, then."

At that, I was slightly startled. My eyes met his dark ones, and I felt a twinge of sadness, as I realised that those eyes have seen immense trauma. Like mine, those were eyes that have witnessed death and bloodshed, upon detrimental loss.

He seemed to sense my empathy, and he elaborated, gradually opening up. "I come from the Kurta Clan, a small people that once resided in the Lukso Province. We have eyes that turn scarlet in times of extreme emotion, and they're considered one of the most beautiful colours in the world." He explained. Then his expression darkened. "When I was fourteen, the Phantom Troupe murdered my entire clan in cold blood, stealing their eyes. I was the only one who escaped the massacre." His voice was tinged with regret. "I'm the last living Kurta."

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now