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Kira ~

"Did that surprise you?" Azaro snarled from across the arena. 

I glared back at him, clutching my left shoulder. The pain was raw and sharp, but I would rather stab myself again than show it on my face. I couldn't let him see it. To Azaro, pain equalled fear, and the last thing I wanted to do was make him believe that I feared him. 

Without hesitation, I pulled the knife out in one quick motion and tossed it aside. Ignoring the pain, I straightened up to face my opponent. 

"That's not a very smart move," he drawled, voice tinged with cruel amusement. "It would be a shame for you to die of something as laughable as blood loss."

Blood loss was the least of my worries right now. The more pressing matter was the hindrance to my mobility. I didn't want to lose because my movements were restricted by a knife in my shoulder.  

"Wasn't that how your brother died?"

 My breath caught in my throat. He still remembers. I didn't know whether it angered or consoled me to know that he could still recall my brother's death. 

To this day, I still couldn't understand how Azaro was able to turn his back on us and kill Kyros with no hesitation. A part of me wanted answers, while the other part refused to believe any answer could justify his actions and just wanted him dead. 

"That's right," he continued with a sadistic smile. "He fell to the ground and bled to death. How pathetic."

If his goal was to anger me, he should be happy to know that he had succeeded. The rage that burned through me was overwhelming. 

"How could you?" I demanded furiously, shameful tears threatening to fall. "How could you stand there and speak so casually of how you killed him?"

"Stop it. You know how much I hate it when you cry, little girl." 

"He was like a son to you. Yet you killed him like he was nothing at all!"

"My son? Just because I raised you two and gave you my name? Don't be foolish, you are no children of mine." Azaro scoffed, as if the idea was one big stupid joke. "Yes, I killed Kyros. I drove my spear through his chest and killed him."

That was all I needed to hear. There were no more questions. He was a monster and all monsters deserved to be killed. 

"Good," I seethed bitterly. "Now I will do the same to you, Azaro Night."

I charged towards him with renewed determination. My daggers cut through the air, seeking vengeance, and every swing was fuelled entirely by anger. I could barely feel the wound in my shoulder anymore. I couldn't feel anything anymore, other than pure hatred, untamed and unrestrained. 

Azaro reacted immediately to my attacks. His violet eyes flared with excitement and ferocity. "That's it, show me your anger. Show me just how badly you want to kill me."

He didn't have to worry about that. Our intentions aligned. By the end of tonight, he would experience my wrath in its entirety. 

An immense thrill rushed through me when I felt my dagger come into contact with flesh and carved it upwards. He spun around and sent me flying with a kick, but not before I had left a deep cut along his back. 

I landed near the edge of the arena, my body hitting the ground with a sickening thud. But the pain was nothing compared to the satisfaction I felt from hurting Azaro. 

I knew I couldn't make him feel the pain I had gone through when he killed my brother, the heartache of losing a loved one. It was already established that he was a monster who was incapable of love. The only thing I could do was put him through the same physical suffering he had inflicted on Kyros. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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