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Hisoka ~

Since that night, Kira had carried on acting like nothing had happened. But I couldn't stop thinking about it and I assumed neither could she.

The way she had covered my eyes before leaning down and softly pressing her lips against mine... How could I ever forget? I could still picture the look on her face afterwards, as if she was just as surprised by her own actions as I was. 

It wasn't how I had envisioned our first kiss but I was amazed nonetheless. My only regret was that it was too short. Way too short. I should've reacted faster, pulled her in and held her there. 

But how could I have known? Normally, I wasn't one to be easily surprised but she had caught me completely off guard. For some reason, she had decided to go along with my request, when she usually would've turned me down with a cold glare. I had suggested it on a whim to tease her but received more than I could've hoped for. 

And now, as I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, all I could think about was that kiss. More importantly, I needed to figure out how to make it happen again. 

Perhaps I could sign up for another fight and let myself get beat up. Or I could just injure myself right now. No, that wouldn't work. I was in a hospital so if I got hurt, she would just refer me to a doctor and be done with it. 

Suddenly, the door opened and the girl who was on my mind walked out. From the way she was smiling, I guessed she had received good news during her appointment. I noticed that her cast had been removed. 

"The doctor said my arm should be completely healed in a week," she told me excitedly. "I'll be able to fight soon."

"You have recovered surprisingly fast," I remarked with a smile and stood up. "You didn't summon that demon behind my back, did you?" I asked jokingly. 

"No, of course, not!" She replied, pretending to be offended that I would even consider such a possibility. "As if I would break my promise."

"That's my girl." I said proudly, as I walked her out of the hospital.

Kira looked as if she was going to protest but changed her mind and let it go with an annoyed sigh. She probably realised that there was no point in arguing with me on this matter. She was mine and she was beginning to know it. I smiled at the thought. 

After a few weeks of being kept inside and restricted from any strenuous activity, she wanted to take a stroll back to Heavens Arena. I agreed, figuring it would be fine if I accompanied her. 

In her current state, she would struggle to defend herself from attackers but as long as I was around, I would make sure that she wouldn't have to. I subtly moved to her right, onto the part of the sidewalk closer to the road. She still couldn't use her right arm to fight so I had to watch her blind spot. 

While Kira's eyes darted from place to place, taking in the sights this city had to offer, my eyes were fixed on her. Her navy blue hair, tied up in a loose ponytail, shone a little lighter under the sun. I let my gaze trace her features, before settling on her pretty lips.

I had always thought she was attractive but it had never really bothered me. But now I found myself drawn to every detail of her, like how her eyes turned into silver half moons when she smiled, or the light blush that dusted her cheeks whenever she got flustered. And worst of all, my heart stuttered a little as I remembered the way her lips brushed against mine. It was starting to get concerning. 

I smiled as I noticed that she had worn the pair of cargos she had taken from my wardrobe. She appeared to have taken a liking to them. If only she would wear my shirt just as often. She looked adorable with my signature heart and diamond across her chest.

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now