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Hisoka ~

To my pleasant surprise, Gon and Killua managed to pass my little test. If they had been shocked to see me earlier, they were even more stunned to see Kira with me this time. Gon, the sweet child, tried his best to hide his judgement and waved at her with a bright smile. On the other hand, Killua's eyes flickered between the two of us, mouth open in plain disbelief and disgust. 

"Why are you always with the clown?" The white-haired kid blatantly asked Kira. No greetings, no small talk, straight to the point. 

I frowned. I preferred the term "magician" over "clown", yet some people seemed to insist on calling me the latter. Besides, what was wrong with Kira being with me?

She also looked annoyed and was about to protest before Gon interrupted. "Kira!" He exclaimed happily, throwing himself at her and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. "I missed you so much."

Her mood instantly brightened and she laughed softly, hugging him back. "It's good to see you again, Gon." 

So she was capable of showing affection. I must say, I was feeling a little jealous of the kid. Why couldn't she have had the same reaction when she saw me? I had missed her too. 

"Killua also missed you," Gon said, gesturing to his friend. "But he's too shy to say it."

"Shut up!" The cat-eyed boy snapped, though a light blush spread across his pale face. 

Kira must've noticed it too, so she decided to mess with him. I leaned against the wall and watched the entertainment. 

"You missed me?" She asked coyly but with a teasing smile. "How cute."

If it had been directed at me, even I would've had trouble responding. That mischievous glint in her alluring silver eyes was enough to make the average man melt. 

"I didn't!" The white-haired boy quickly protested. "You're annoying and made me sleep early, just like my brother."

At the mention of Illumi, Kira rolled her eyes in annoyance, no doubt recalling her rather unpleasant interaction with him. "Please, don't even compare me to that man."

Killua's expression darkened. "You've met him?"

I smiled in amusement. Illumi, it appears you're not very popular here. I casually stood off to the side but continued to listen to their conversation. Kira turned out to be quite good with kids. They liked her and she seemed to like them too.

"Kira, come with us to our room!" Gon pleaded, latching onto her arm. "Please, please, please?"

"Stop bothering her, Gon." Killua said, still trying to act nonchalant. "Besides, she probably has a date with the clown."

Again, I preferred "magician". But on second thought, I agreed with the kid. A date would be a good idea.

However, Kira didn't seem to think so. "Say that again and I'm sending you back down to ground floor the quick way." She warned Killua, before turning to the other boy with a smile. "Of course, I'll come with you."

Gon grinned widely in response. "Yay! Can you tell us stories? Killua says you have a lot of really good ones."

"Am I invited?" I asked, glancing between the kids. "I have a few stories, too."

"No way," Killua quickly objected. "You can keep them to yourself."

"Ah, what a shame." I feigned a look of disappointment. "Well, if that's the case, at least let me have a few words with Kira, before you two take her away."

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now