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Kira ~

Finally, the door opened before me, and I stepped into a circular room. After being in the dark for so long, it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light. Then, I heard my name over the announcer, confirming that I had completed the task.

"About time."

I spun to see a smiling clown sitting beside me. You're kidding me. Out of all those doors in this room, I had to come out of the one beside his.

I scanned the room, and saw Gittarackur chilling on the other side. He waved at me lazily. It seemed that no other candidates have arrived yet. I glanced up at the clock, indicating that there was still over sixty hours left until the end of Phase 3. Great, I'm stuck here with a clown and a puppet.

"You're bleeding."

I turned towards Hisoka's voice. My eyes fell on the two deep gashes on his shoulder and in his side. "So are you."

At that he just chuckled. "I'm alright. These are just knife wounds. But those scratches on your leg... they're quite concerning."

Now that he'd pointed it out, I admit it did hurt. A lot. But I was so caught up in the fight, I think I must've forgotten about it. Glancing down, I noticed that the bleeding hasn't stopped. And neither has the pain. Wincing slightly, I slowly sat down, careful not to strain it further. Damn it, what am I gonna do?

As if he'd just read my mind, Hisoka butted in. "You can always ask Gittarackur for help. His needles can stop the bleeding, and by the looks of it, extract the poison."

"Um, are you sure?" Honestly, I didn't trust either of them. But at this point, I didn't really have a choice. It was either get help from the puppet, or bleed to death.

"Of course! Gittarackur would be happy to help," he answered enthusiastically, smiling at his friend. He then turned and looked at me expectantly.

"Uh... fine..." I replied reluctantly, as I was still uncertain. For some reason, I've always found needles scary, especially in the hands of an evil-looking puppet.

In a few unnatural motions, Gittarackur got up, headed over, and knelt beside me. "Show me the wound."

"Don't be shy," Hisoka mocked annoyingly.

"I'm not!" I protested. "It's just..."

"My, my, don't tell me you're afraid of needles!"

How did he know?

"Shut up!" I punched him in the arm, hoping he'd take the hint and stop talking. "I'm not afraid, I just don't like them. That's all."

"Sure." He replied sarcastically.

"Hey! I'm not!"

"Okay, okay! I said 'sure'. I believe you, no need to get violent." He held up his hands in surrender, with a fakest tone of innocence I've ever heard.

I backed down, and resorted to glaring at him. This clown...

"Ow!" I flinched, as I felt Gittarackur stick a needle into my leg. He then pulled it out, and a black liquid seeped from the puncture.

"What is this?" I recoiled in disgust.

"Don't move, I'm trying to let it all out." He explained. "It's Black Felen venom. They're blind, humanoid creatures that carry deadly diseases and transmit them through their claws. I'm surprised you're still alive."

Wow, I was in some deep shit. If not for him, who knew what would happen to me in the next few hours. I shuddered at the thought. "Thank you, for helping me. You really could've just let me die."

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now