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Kira ~

I woke up to the morning sunlight filtering through the sheer curtains, casting a gentle glow on the unfamiliar, but rather spacious room. This was clearly not my own bed, the pillows were too soft and the blanket too heavenly, but I was so comfortable that even the strange smell of cologne seemed somewhat comforting.

But as the sleepiness began to wear off, I began to remember last night's events. My initial reaction was to check for my clothes and then my knives. Thankfully both were left untouched. Then the embarrassment kicked in. How could I have let myself pass out like that?

I also became acutely aware of the throbbing headache in the back of my head. Strange, I didn't usually get hangovers. And I didn't really drink that much. I rolled over lazily and glanced at the clock on the wall.


Oh, shit. It wasn't the early morning light that was streaming through the window, but rather the late afternoon glow announcing the end of a day. I was out for over fifteen hours. How is that even possible? Thanks to my training, I had never required much sleep.

But somehow I had slept through an entire day, while I still had a fight scheduled at 6:00 in the evening. I just under an hour to prepare, before I had to be backstage. Damn it. Why didn't the clown wake me?

However, Hisoka didn't seem to be around. As I scanned the room, I noticed that he had left a note on the nightstand.

I'm out running errands, don't miss me too much, Sweetheart.

Don't worry, I'll be there for your fight. I'm sure it will be electric.

~ H

P. S. Remember to eat and drink water.

As if I would miss him. I tossed the note aside. Nothing of actual worth, as usual. The contents held no useful information for my upcoming fight, though the word choice was interesting, and the note itself contained no Nen. I quickly freshened myself in Hisoka's bathroom, which smelt strongly of cotton candy and roses, before leaving his room. I hope he doesn't mind.

Soon, I was hurrying down the corridor towards the warmup spaces. This was my first match on level 200 and I had no idea what I was up against, but strangely, it made me feel a tinge of excitement. My pace quickened with eagerness.

I could feel myself smiling. How did Hisoka describe it again? "Electric". I was about to be one step closer to my goal. I had to win this fight.

Hisoka ~

Kira was still asleep when I left in the morning. How convenient.

Her fight was scheduled at 6:00 pm, so if nothing were to go wrong, I should be able to make it back in time. I considered warning her about her opponent's abilities, but that would spoil the surprise. Instead, I decided to give her a little hint and left a note on the nightstand. I just wasn't good at keeping secrets.

With that, I left the arena and headed to the meeting point, careful not to be followed. Scanning my surroundings, I turned down an alleyway. The job was simple enough and shouldn't up too much of my time. Feitan had instructed me to deliver a sealed letter.

He had specifically warned me not read its contents, but he only succeeded in peaking my interest. I examined the envelope, which didn't seem to be infused with Nen. I could easily open it up and then reseal it seamlessly with Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise. No one would ever notice. 

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now