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Kira ~

I could feel the searing eyes of the other candidates burn into me, as they measured me up. There was around a hundred applicants in the room, each with their eyes set on the same goal - passing the exam. Right now, before Phase One has even begun, the tension was thick enough to be sliced with a knife.

Candidates were already sizing up each other, trying to figure out weaknesses and strengths, who to target, and who to avoid.

"Hi, you must be a rookie."

I looked up to see a rather round man approach me with a grin on his face.

"I'm Tonpa, and you are?"

He definitely seemed comfortable. What did he want? Surely not an alliance, after all, this was my first exam attempt. Although, I was quite confident and planned on passing.

"I'm Kira." I replied, putting on a smile. It was best if I didn't make any enemies.

"Nice to meet you," He extended his hand in a friendly manner. "Would you like a drink? You must be thirsty after the trip here." He fished a can of soda from his bag and offered it to me.

"Uh, thank you," I said, and accepted the offer.

"Well, good luck." He said, turning to leave. "Don't expect too much, it is your first time after all."

He called me a "rookie". He couldn't have known every single applicant. Unless...

"Hey, Tonpa!" I called after him.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"How many times exactly have you taken the exam?"

He hesitated before answering. "A couple of times. Enough to know some of the other candidates here."

He was lying. He must've taken the test at least 20 times to be so familiarised with the candidates. But that didn't matter. Not to me anyways. As far as I've seen, he posed no threat.

"Do you mind telling me about them?" It was definitely worth knowing what I was up against.

"Sure thing," he replied, and gave me a brief overview of the candidates. A couple caught my attention.

"Then, there's Hisoka Morow, number 44, the magician. I suggest you stay well away from him. This is his second exam attempt. He was disqualified last year after nearly killing an examiner he disliked. I'm willing to bet something similar would happen this year."

With that, he wished me luck once more and left.

I leaned against the wall, synthesising the information I was given. There were definitely a lot of strong opponents this year. My eyes drifted to the soda still in my hand. Although Tonpa seemed welcoming, I didn't trust him. It was clear he had some alternate motive.

"I wouldn't drink that it I were you, Sweetheart."

I turned to see a tall, slender man, leaning on the wall to my right. I could've sworn a moment ago he wasn't beside me.

"I wasn't going to." I turned to face him.

He looked down at me, his strange golden eyes meeting mine. His lips curled into an enigmatic smile.

"First time?" He asked, twirling a card in his hand.

"Yeah." That was when I caught a glimpse of his exam tag. 44.

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now