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Kira ~

Phase Two was rather unexpected. I've never really considered Gourmet Hunting as a dangerous profession, yet the second phase was dedicated solely to it. The examiners, Buhara and Menchi, set the task of hunting down and cooking a "Great Stamp",  some sort of pig. At that, I was stumped, and so were many other candidates.

We're cooking? But I can't cook!

Suppressing the panic, I focused my mind on the task at hand. Hunt down the pig first, then worry about cooking. Surely one pig wouldn't be too hard to take down.

I followed the group down to the forest, searching for the pigs. Within minutes, a young boy with black hair shouted excitedly. The candidates started to gather around a clearing, where a horde of car-sized pigs grazed on... dead animals? I sighed. This was going to be harder than expected.

"Looks like we've found the pigs."

I jumped at the familiar voice behind me. How did he... when did he even get here? Can't he take a break?

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes. Turned out this was the real challenge.

Hisoka ~

For some reason, Kira didn't seem too happy to see me. Ouch.

I stood beside her, as we watched a candidate approach a pig, spear in hand. After taking aim, the man released his weapon, hitting the pig square in the backside. To his surprise, the spear clattered to the ground, and the pig, unscathed veered around, nostrils flaring. The entire horde turned their attention to our group, evidently angered. Then the beasts charged towards us in a fit of rage.

Quickly, I lifted Kira up by the waist and jumped onto a nearby tree, avoiding the stampede. At that, she did a double take. Whether it was because of the pigs, or myself, I couldn't tell.

"What was that for?" She asked, freeing herself from my grasp. Oh, so it was me.

"That's no way to thank someone for saving your life." I smirked. She wasn't thankful at all, quite the opposite actually.

"I could've done that myself, thank you very much." She seemed too eager to get away from me.

"You are very welcome," I smiled and leaned in towards her, fully aware of the limited space on the tree branch. I inched forwards, closing the gap between us, until my face was inches from hers. I could see her silver eyes dart around, avoiding eye contact, as she tried to back away from me.

"Um... do you mind?" She asked, her cheeks flushing light pink. How cute.

Kira ~

What on earth did he think he was doing? First, dragging me up into this tree, then this?

I could feel the uncomfortable heat of his presence closing in. Thoroughly creeped out, I shuffled backwards, trying desperately to put some distance between us. My eyes darted around, looking for a way out.

Rule number one when dealing with crackheads: don't make eye contact.

I jinxed it. Our eyes met, and for the briefest moment, I felt myself drawn towards his golden orbs. There was something strange about them, scary almost, but at the same time so... captivating. Shards of bright yellow, like the broken pieces of his sanity, were swirling and dissolving in molten gold - the madness within. From past experiences, I learnt that you could tell a lot about a person, their personality, what they've been through, just from their eyes. But with Hisoka, it was impossible to see through the chaos. Even more, it made me wonder, what must he have endured? For his mind to be so fractured...

Suddenly, he lurched forward. "Boo."

I gasped and retreated backwards. Shit. I felt myself fall off the branch and plummet towards the ground. Hisoka and this goddamned tree. If I don't get crippled from this first, I will cripple that clown. I closed my eyes and prepared for the impact.

Except it never came. To my astonishment, I was suspended half a metre above the ground. Am I dreaming? Then my eyes focused, and I noticed some sort of pink translucent substance attached to my waist. I realized the same stuff was around my wrists and ankles. What is this? My eyes tracked the elastic cords up towards the tree I fell from. Surely not...

Hisoka's smiling face peered down at me, with the ends of the cords seemingly attached to his left hand. Is that his aura? I didn't know Nen could do that.

My confusion must've come across pretty plainly, because he laughed and started explaining. "This is my Nen ability, I call it Elastic Love. It allows me to transform my aura into Bungee Gum, my favourite chewing gum as a child. Did you know, Bungee Gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum?"

I admit, that ability's actually pretty cool. But there's no way in hell I am going to tell him that.

"Lovely. Now do you mind... removing your aura?"

Hisoka ~

I leaned closer towards Kira, and finally, probably by mistake, her eyes met mine. I smirked, but for the first time she didn't back away. Instead she froze, her piercing silver eyes staring into mine. She seemed so intrigued, like she was searching for something. Then her brows creased in concentration, no doubt unable to find what she was looking for. She didn't look terrified, yet her expression was one of fearful awe. What is she looking for? What did she see instead?

Never mind that. I should have some fun with her.

Without a warning, I lunged forward, almost hovering over her. "Boo."

I laughed as she snapped out of her little trance, and retreated backwards. Wait. Hold up. We're on a tree. Shit, she's gonna fall!

I reacted, shooting my aura around her waist, wrists and ankles, just in time to prevent her from hitting the ground. Thank god. I can't have her break just yet.

I watched as she slowly came to her senses. Immediately, she noticed my aura. So she can use Nen. What could her ability be?

But I don't think she understood mine, judging from her puzzled look. Naturally, I provided a thorough explanation. "This is my Nen ability, I call it Elastic Love. It allows me to transform my aura into Bungee Gum, my favourite chewing gum as a child. Did you know, Bungee Gum possesses the properties of both rubber and gum?"

I could tell she was impressed. But she chose to remain stubborn about it. "Lovely. Now do you mind... removing your aura?"

Oh well. I tried.

I gently lowered her to the ground, before retracting my aura. With that, I jumped off the tree, landing beside her.

"Come on, let's go kill some pigs." I offered her my hand to help her up. To my surprise, she took it.


If you are reading this, thank you so much for sticking around this long. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, and that it was more interesting than the previous ones.

* Nen in the HxH world is a person's aura. All the main characters have some sort of Nen ability.

I tried speeding things up a bit, and include more "contact" between the characters. I know, it's very cringeworthy.

~ krypto

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now