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Kira ~

My mind was a mess, as I entered the room with the other candidates. It was the Final Phase, but I couldn't concentrate. Even when Chairman Netero explained the task, I found my thoughts drifting elsewhere. More precisely, they were focused on Hisoka.

Our encounter last night had left me somewhat unsteady. I still couldn't fully process it. Part of me refused to believe that he truly meant what he said. But why? Why was I feeling this way?

From the beginning I had always known that Hisoka was a self-serving, psychopathic trickster. I knew he wasn't one to be trusted, and that he was just using me for his own benefit. So I shouldn't have been surprised when he uttered those words. I was supposed to be expecting it.

But why does it hurt?

Why did his words affect me so much? I've been called way worse than 'a toy' before. And yet, coming from his mouth, those two words seemed sharper than the cards he carried.

My eyes followed as Hisoka's tall figure sauntered into the corner, leaning casually against the wall. He seemed completely indifferent, like he'd already forgotten. I watched as he drew a card, fiddling with it idly, twirling it in his fingers.

He noticed me, and looked over, his golden eyes meeting mine. To my surprise, he gave me a lighthearted smile, before turning away. It was as if nothing had happened at all.

How dare he... For some reason, that made me seethe with anger. How could he just stand there, so unaffected, so oblivious to the stress he was causing me?

"Now, the next fight is between Hisoka and Kira." The Chairman's voice sounded in the room, and I immediately perked up at the mention of my name. I was even more delighted to hear Hisoka's.

"Weapons are allowed, right?" I asked eagerly, already unsheathing and sharpening my knives. This clown is dead.

"Yes." Netero confirmed with a nod. "But killing your opponent will result in your immediate disqualification."

You've got to be kidding me. What kind of rule was that? Never mind, I'll just cripple him instead. The goal was no longer to make him surrender, but to inflict as much pain as possible.

With that clearly in mind, I stepped forward, facing Hisoka, and he followed in suit. He then had the audacity to smirk at me. He obviously wanted to see me get angry. As if I'm not already mad enough. But I wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction. Instead, I maintained my composure, and simply glared at him.

At the Chairman's command, the duel began. Immediately, I dashed towards Hisoka, two daggers in hand. Strike fast, don't give him the time to think. He doesn't deserve that privilege. Aiming for his head, I lunged forward and swiped with my knife.

It annoyed me greatly when he effortlessly ducked, and jumped out of the way. I'll get him next time. Quickly changing directions, I attacked again, this time going for his upper body. My knife barely grazed his side, as he managed to swerve to the side, yet again avoiding serious damage.

He smiled again, this time even more cheerfully than before. This insufferably obnoxious clown! He hadn't even drawn out a card yet. Was he so confident, that he didn't even need a weapon? Was he spiting me?

"Fight back, you coward!" His cockiness was really pissing me off. Even more, for me to land an attack, I had to find an opening. Right now, he wasn't giving me one, as he continued to play defense.

"Oh, Sweetheart," Hisoka grinned. "You are not ready yet."

Huh?! How dare he!

I launched into a series of attacks, slashing and stabbing with both knives, determined to injure him. My frustration began to build up, as he continuously dodged the strikes, and my blades consistently swiped through thin air.

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊  [Hisoka Morow]Where stories live. Discover now