Video Moments

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Editors Note: Here is another chapter :)! I told you they would be up early January so it is! BTW who do you think is the cutest guy in the book so far? Matt (brother), Spencer, Josh, the band, Sam, or someone else?

"Amandaaaa!" Matt yelled down the stairs. "What?" I said as I rolled over with my eyes still closed not wanting the day to start. "Come up here now!" He yelled and walked away from the door leaving it opened behind him. "Ouch!" I said as I sat up to find out that my head kills. "Why? Do I need to get dressed?" I said as I looked over to see a sleeping Spencer beside me. His hair was all in his face. I smiled and then pushed him off my bed and ran up the stairs not giving a damn about my head ache. "You little shit I'm going to kill you." I heard Spencer say as he started running after me. I got to the top and looked back and saw him half way up the stairs. I guess he still didn't remember he's only in boxers and a t-shirt. I started running and laughing again. I ran through the kitchen. As I run past the door a pair of arms grabbed me around the waist. I looked over my shoulder to find ice blue eyes. My heart dropped. I took a step forward and turned around and looked at Josh. He had a huge smile on his face.  

"WHERE ARE YOU?!??" I heard Spencer yell after me. I didn't reply. "Hiya," I said shyly. His smile faded. "What’s wrong babe?" Josh asked as he took a step closer to me and I backed away. And Bam two arms came around me and gave me the hardest bear hug ever. "PAY BACKS A MOTHER FUCKER!" Spencer said as he let go and looked up and saw Josh. "Oh hey man." Spencer said as he walked past us and into the kitchen."Awkward..." I said as Spencer walked past. "Hey shut up you've been an awkward fuck for your whole life so don't even talk misses." Spencer said as I heard him opened the fridge. "Anyways sweetheart, tell me what wrong?" Josh said as he moved closer to me again. I looked away and saw Spencer watching from the table where he was eating bacon. I looked back up at Josh. 

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I asked as his face dropped and so did my heart. I feel like I am going to break but I'm not going to. I'm going to be strong. I'm not going to cry. 

"Really? No. I remember walking into the party with you then you asked if Spencer could come and then we started shots. From there on nothing." He said with a sigh. He ran his hands though his hair. "What did I do?" he asked as he looked into my eyes. Oh fuck I'm going to cry I'm going to cry I can feel it. I looked down to the ground and then over to Spencer and then back to Josh."Well when everyone was counting down I tried to find you and I did. I found you." I paused and took a deep breath. I sighed. "I found you with Carly. Your arm was around her waist and when it hit new years you know you kind of made out with her."

I sighed holding back the tears. I looked over to Spencer to see him nodding at me. "Spencer saw and came over to me as I started crying and he took me over to you and told you we were going home." I said as I saw Josh backing up with a pale face, paler than normal. He stopped walking and then looked down, then looked up at me and smashed his lips into mine. I started kissing him back. He pushed me against the wall. The kiss started to get more intense. "How cute but can you guys not do that in the front hallway please?" Sam said in the living room. I didn't even see him there. Josh pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. We were both out of breath. He opened his eyes and looked at me. I could see that he was sorry but it still hurt to see him go and do that even though he was drunk. I don't know what to do.

Maybe we should just take a break. Maybe not see each other as much. I love him to death, don't get me wrong! It's just that all that's happened in the last two weeks is just way too much. Josh stood back up so his chest was in my face. "Amanda please forgive me. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I could never lose you. You are my one and only. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But we're only 17. I need you more than anything. I care so much for you. If something were to ever happen to you I would be heartbroken. You are beautiful. You are the prettiest girl in the world and I am just so lucky to have you. Amanda Chandler Wright you are perfect never let anyone tell you different. I need you. Amanda please, please, forgive me. If you don't I won't know what to do." He said as a tear rolled down his check.

I wiped it away and smiled. He was so sweet. "Josh I forgive you. I need you too. I never ever want to lose you. You make me so happy. You make me smile and even on my hardest days you make me brighter. I haven't had a bad day with you yet. I would marry you right here right now if we weren't so young. I love you so much. And when you disappear time after time I worry so much about you. If you ever need something or someone I'm right here and always will be. Even if we end what we have here don't be afraid to give me a call in time of need. I will always be there for you. Joshua Keeler Ramsay you are my prince in shining armor and always will be. I will always love you." I said as I gave him a kiss.

We pulled away and looked into each other’s eyes. *BEEP* What the hell was that? I looked over to see Sam standing in front of us with his phone and a smile on his face. He put his phone away and looked at us. "That right there is going on YouTube and will be played on your wedding day." He said as he walked over to the couch. I could feel my face heating up. I looked down to see I was still in my sweat pants and white tank top and my hair was a mess. I look like crap and the cutest thing in the world just happened. "Yo, Sam can you send that to me when you get it up on YouTube?" Spencer yelled as he walked out of the kitchen and over to Sam. "Yeah sure I'm putting this everywhere it's just so cute!" He said as looked over at me and Josh. I blushed even more. I put my hand up to my face to hide it. 

"Don't hide it. You look so cute." Josh said as he took my hands off my face and smiled. "So I was just coming to tell you that I have to start working in the studio with the guys again so I won't be around much." Josh said. "Oh well that’s good for you guys not good for us though." I said as I looked back up to Josh. “I know sweetheart but we will work this out I promise. Nothing will happen to us I won't let it happen." He said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead. "I have to go to the studio right now actually. I'll see you tonight hopefully." He then started walking over to the door. I followed him. "I hope I see you tonight." I said as I leaned on the open door letting all the cold air in the house. 

“I hope I can see you again too. I love you." Josh said as he gave me a quick kiss and with that he was walking down the drive way. 

"Love you too babe!" I yelled as Josh crossed the lawn. I looked over to see the house across the road was up for sale. Wired, I closed the door and leaned against it with a huge smile on my face. 

"Amanda come here!" Sam said totally ruining my moment. I walked down the hall a bit and down legit two steps into the living room to find Spencer, Sam, Matt, and Jesse watching the video. Sam had hooked his laptop up to the T.V. so they could watch it on there.  "Amanda come sit with me." Matt said as he patted the spot next to him. I did as I was told. I pulled my knees up to my face as Josh stopped talking. As I started talking I put my head on my knees not looking up. I was right I looked so bad my hair was everywhere my makeup was still on from last night. I couldn't watch. As I finished what I said on the tape Matt and Sam are in tears and Spencer looks a bit hurt but who cares. Jess on the other hand looks bored out of his mind. Sucks to be him! "You two are just so cute." Matt said as he gave me a hug. "I'm with Matt on this!" Sam said. As he got up and gave me a hug." It's cute how you guys can go from a little fight into a beautiful moment like this." he said as he went back to sitting on the other side of Matt. Jess has already got up and left. I looked up and smiled as the video finished uploading to YouTube. 

"I hope you know everyone back in Brampton will be seeing this any moment now." I looked at Spencer. All he did was smile and my phone went off. I looked at the screen and all it said is Spencer tagged you in a video. I clicked on the little link and it already had comments on it. One from Mackenzie: AWWW my little manny poo is so cute with her little rock star boyfriend. One from Katie: Aww this is so cute it made me cry. And the last one is from Allison at my work: Amanda my dear gosh this is so sweet just get married now you too ate just so sweet to each other. I wish I could have him. 

Allison's comment made me think what if we do get married. Josh and I aren't ready to get married. I am way too young what if I get moved to my dad’s we won't be able to get married. I'll be gone. He'll have to find someone new. My feelings started to drop. Think happy Amanda look what just happened right now. The cutest thing just happened I can't get down on myself I can't let that happen. I can only think of now. I have to only think of now. Nothing like that has happened yet I don't have to worry. 

Everything is perfect again! 

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