Chick Flicks

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EDITORS NOTE: SORRY GUYS FOR ALL THE DELAYED CHAPTERS!! I know I promised more chapters faster, and Amanda is sending them rapidly. I've just had no time and things are going really out of hand in life so I'm trying my best for you guys :)! We love you, keep reading, and TRENCH ON!!!

"Good God, man why must there be exams." I sighed. I'm so bored. Ha! I know what I’ll do. "Oh Matthew!" I yelled. "What do you want?" He yelled. I got up and walked to the top of the stairs. "I'm super freaking bored come here?" "No." He yelled back. I walked up into the kitchen. "MATT PLEASE!?" I yelled again like a little kid. "Why can't you hang out with Josh or the other Matt?" Ah fuck. "Josh is sick." I paused. "And Matt is out somewhere." I heard the door open but I didn't give a shit at all. "Matt please!" I said holding the e really long in a really high pitched voice.

"Matt please?" I heard someone mocking, the voice coming from behind me. I turned around and looked over to the door to the kitchen. "Really? Really Spencer?" I said trying to look tough. "Yup…" He said popping the P. "Oh I have someone for you to meet." He said as he moved into the kitchen making room for whoever to come in.  "Okay." I said as I looked down into the fridge. I grabbed a coke zero. I stood back up and looked over to Spencer. And beside him was the one person I never wanted to see again. "Amanda this is Anami." I looked at Anami and looked back to Spencer. I put on a fake smiled.  "Well hello there." I said trying to be nice.  "Hello to you too. Nice seeing you again." He said still standing beside Spencer.

"Wait you two know each other?" Spencer asked.  "He was at a party Josh took me too." I said as I opened my pop and took a sip of it.  "Oh well that’s cool I guess." Spencer said and Anami smiled at me. I couldn't trust him at all.  "Yeah I guess." I said as I pulled out my phone texted Josh. /Hey how you feeling?-Amanda <3/ I put my phone on the table and sat down looking up to Spencer. "So?" Anami sighed. I rolled my eyes. "What?" Spencer asked. "Nothing just bored." I said as my phone went off.

/Hey Sweetheart I'm feeling better I miss you! Studying and chill with me.-Josh <3/ I smiled and replied. /Fine...But you got to come over here. Just walk in the house I'm in the kitchen.<3 Amanda/ I set my phone back down and looked up again. Both the boys came and sat down at the table with me. Spencer was to my right and Anami was right beside him. My phone buzzed again. I looked down and Josh had said he was coming over.I smiled and I looked at my pop. "So Amanda how have you been?" Anami asked. My smile faded and I looked up to him. "Amazing. What about you?" I asked. "Fine I guess I miss this one girl but I know she'd never go for a guy like me." He said as he looked down at the table. I looked over to Spencer and shrugged. I heard the door open and my head shot up and I smiled. Anami pulled his head up and looked at me. Spencer looked at the kitchen door. About to second later and tired and pale-ish Josh walked in.

"Hey." I said as he walked over to me and gave me a kiss.  "Hey." He said. I got up and let him sit down. I sat on his lap and picked up my pop and took a sip." Hey man" Josh said to Spencer.  "What’s up?"  "Nothing..." Josh said and looked over to Anami. "Oh hey dude I didn't see you there. What's up?"  "Ha. Um nothing much man." Anami said trying not to look at me. I put my pop on the table.  "So Josh how you feeling?" I asked again. "Sweetheart I'm okay." He said smiling.  "Okay I'm just making sure. I was just worried." I said kissed him.  "I know you were." He said. Spencer smiled.

****Knock Knock.****

I looked at Spencer. "ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!" We both yelled. He did rock and did paper. "Ha." I said and got off Josh's lap and walked over to the door. I walked down the hall and saw Sofia at the door. I opened the door and she smiled. "Hey come on in!" I said as I opened the door all the way for her to walk in. "Hey is Spencer here?" She asked. I smiled it's cute that she has a thing for him.  "Yeah he's here. Come with me." I said as we walked down the hall and into the kitchen. I walked in and looked at Spencer. "She's all yours." Spencer smiled.  “Hey. What’s Up?” He said as I went back to sitting on Josh’s lap.  “Nothing much you?” Sofia answered.  “So Josh...” Anami said pulling my attention from Spencer and Sofia over to him. “Got any upcoming tour’s?” Josh laughed.  “Not right now starting to look into that.” I sighed. Oh thank god. “Good. I don’t want to let you leave yet.” I said as I tucked my head in to his neck. He kissed the side of my head.

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