Hospitals, Cars, and Love

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Authors Note: Hey guy's once again thanks for reading ;)! I just realized that the thing at the side should be titled 'editors note' but anyways that would be weird so continuing on. I dedicate this chapter to @Darcia_Lynn because she has been continuing to support this book and she is always asking for more. So she is just amazing, I really appreciate all of you guys that are reading, and sharing this book, and commenting, and voting. It makes Amanda and I really happy. Just wanted to share with you a joke, and I know even though she is the master mind behind this she reads it to see what's going on (Amanda) well later on in this chapter a certain type of medicine pops up, I just want to mention that it's Advil NOT Adive...... ENJOY THE CHAPTER!

(Josh's P.O.V.)

We got to the hospital and Amanda was rushed away from me. I walked over to the waiting area and pulled out Amanda's phone. Yes, thank god I grabbed her phone before we left. I opened a new message so I could Spencer and get him down here. I can sit here by myself but, I'll go nuts.

/Hey Spencer...This is Josh. Something happened and now we are in the hospital....I'll tell you everything when you get here. This is bad. I'd be fast. - Josh/ I sent the text and shut her phone and pulled out mine. I went through my contacts and pushed Matt's (Webb) name and hit call.

"Hey Josh what's up?" He said all happy and what not...

"Matt." I paused. "Something bad happened." I paused before I said anything Matt started talking again.

"Josh! What happened? Are you okay?" He said sounding panicked. I took a deep breath.

"Matt I'm fine. It was Amanda." I said as I tried not to cry again. "You'll see when we get home." I said as her phone went off. I picked it up and read the text.

"Josh! Who did that I'll kill who ever did." Matt said as I went to read the text.

/On my way. If you hurt her I'll kill you! -Spencer/ I paused when I saw that. I would never ever hurt her! How could someone ever do that to her? She's the nicest person alive.

"Josh!" Matt yelled into the phone which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah you can't really do that. It was a chick." I said as a doctor started walking over to me. "Look Matt I'll call you later I got to go." I said as I shut my phone and watched him come over to me.

"Are you Amanda's Boyfriend?" He said as he held out his hand. I shook his hand and stood up.

"Yes. My name is Josh. Is she going to be okay?" I said as I took my hand back and stared him dead in the eyes.

"Well Josh. She has lost a large amount of blood. And he stab wound is very deep." He paused. Oh my god. My poor Amanda is probably in so much pain. "She's going to be having a surgery in the next 20 minutes for her stab." He said as the doors opened. WE both looked and it was Spencer walking over to me. He seemed pissed. I looked back over to the Doctor.

"When can I see her?" I said as I could feel the tears coming to my eyes. 'JOSH NO, YOU DON'T CRY. YOU'RE STRONGER THAN THAT!' The little voice inside my head yelled.

"In an hour or two. I'll talk to you later we have to start in a couple minutes." He said as he walked away. I sat back down and put my head in my hands. Spencer came and sat beside me.

"What the hell happened?" He said seeming like he was really pissed off.

"First I didn't do this to her. Someone else did." I said as I told him everything that just happened. I tried my best without crying and told the whole story. By now it had been about an hour and an half since Amanda's Doctor came to talk to me. I was getting worried. I did this all to her. It's because I asked her out. Catylin found out. Hurt Amanda. Almost killing her at the same time. I did this. 'No Josh you didn't do this!' The little voice said in my head. I hate myself.

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