Meeting the Malik's

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After watching that video for the fifth time with everyone I walked onto the kitchen. I walked over to a black bag that my older brother has and grabbed the bottle of whiskey. I walked over to the living room and looked over to Matt.

"Matty boo can you make me a drink I'm not going anywhere today." I said with a smile on my face hopping he would say yes.

"Amanda you’re only 17," he said as he turned around and walked over to the door way where I was.

"Matt, please?" I said with a puppy dog face. I looked over at everyone still watching a stupid YouTube video.

"Fine but you're not leaving this house got it? And if your mother ever finds out I'll personally kick your ass!" He said as he took the bottle out of my hand and walked to the kitchen.

"I love you!! You're defiantly my favorite out of everyone in the house." I said as I followed him to the kitchen.  I walked into the kitchen to find Matt half way done making my drink.

"Oh just to let you know we are actually having people over tonight." WAIT! What who? I never was told! He better still give me my drink!

"Matt we have to drink this…" I said pointing at the whiskey sour. "You know that if we dump it, it is alcohol abuse you even say it yourself." He looked down at the drink and back up to me.

"I know I know but we have to make a good impression to these people they are going to be living across the street." He said as he looked down at the glass. "Amanda can you get me a glass we will share this." Matt said. I nodded and started walking over to the cabinet and grabbed him a glass. I turned around to see Matt smiling. I looked down to find an empty glass that once was filled with my drink. I looked up at Matt and ran after him. He ran around the kitchen table and out of the kitchen into the hall. I ran into to the hall and didn't find him. I walked into the living room to find everyone watching the same video.

"Guys! Where's the fucker?" I said as everyone looked over to me. They all just looked over to each other. Spencer looked over to me.

"Are you talking about me?" He said as he pointed to himself.

"No! The other one," I said as I started walking around the room looking behind everything. That’s when I saw Matts foot behind the couch.

"Oh Matthew I hope you know I'm not stupid." I said as I hoped over the couch and landed on his back. "You little bitch drank my drink. You must die!" I started punching him and then someone grabbed my arms and pulled me off of Matt. "What the fuck!!!" I looked up to see Spencer smiling. "This is bullshit." I said as he carried me it of the room.

"Is it really?" He said as he started walking into the basement.

"Yes! Yes it is." I said as we started going into my room.

"Look we are having people over tonight and I want to look good if there's a girl." He said as he put me down on my bed. I started laughing.

"Oh my god you know you only have ten day left here? It wouldn't be smart to start to fall for someone you would only see like once a year maybe twice…" I said as I started laughing harder like who would date him? I'm only saying that because I've known him forever.

"You’re right. Fuck! I have to leave soon this is going to suck I love it here. I wish I could stay here."

"How cool would it be if you moved in here? You could be my wing man." I said as I fell back laughing.

"Can I?" I sat up with a huge smile on my face but he had one of the most serious faces ever.

"Well there's another room down the hall that we never use. I guess we could make it your room but it would have to be okay with your parents and my mom." I said as I got off the bed and started going through my dresser.

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