Old Friends, Old Enemies, and New Boyfriend?

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"Amanda get up! You need to get ready for school" My mum said.

Ugh I didn't want to get up for school. I rolled over to look at my clock. 6:12 A.M. Damn it! I rolled out of my bed and garbed a pair of ripped black jeans and a sky blue v-neck and my black leather jacket and some blue converse. I went to get in the shower. I turned on the water and got in. When I was done I got out and turned on the radio in the bathroom and blow dried my hair. God, it’s so weird not have brown hair anymore. I kind of don’t like it blond. Anyways by now I was done doing my hair. I quickly straightened it. When I was fully dressed and got out of the bathroom it was 7:38am. Shit! If I don't start walking I'm to be late. 

I walked up the stairs to see my mum in the living room about to leave. "The directions to get to school are on the table” She said as she started walking to the door. 

"Thanks” I said walking to the table to get the directions "Have a nice day Hun! And don't be late!" She said as she closed the door. 

Nice to know you care. I garbed my bag and started walking to school. When I got there it was 8:03! Shit!! I was going to be late for my first class. When I walked in the school everyone was giving me looks. Those looks just made me move even faster to get to the office. 

"Hi I'm Amanda Wright I'm here to get my scheduled" I said with a fake smile on my face.

"Oh so you’re the new student" The secretary said as she handed me my scheduled. "Have a nice day" She said as I was leaving. 

"You too" I said trying to be nice. I looked down at my scheduled.




Fourth- Music

Great, I have math first thing! Well this sucks!! Ugh! Whatever I'll just and get it over with, how bad can it be? I walked in and took my seat and just sat there thinking about how much I wanted to go back to living in Brampton. But then I would be leaving Josh. 

Finally the bell went. Thank god I needed to get out of this class! Next I had la. But there was a problem I have no clue where the hell my English class is. About ten minutes later I found it. Well my luck, I'm late. Whatever at least I'm here. The door was shut so I had to knock on it. The teacher opened the door. 

"Yes?" He sounded pissed 

"Uh... I'm the new student. I'm sorry, I'm late. I didn't know where to go." I said trying to be nice so he wouldn't get mad at me. 

"It does okay just don’t be late again. You can go sit beside Ashley" He said pointing at a girl that was very skinny and tall. She had black hair and blue/ grey eyes.  "Hey" She said looking at me.

I have to make friends here so I guess she'll be one of them hopefully she will. "Hi" I said taking a seat and putting my stuff down. I looked up at the board. 

At the last 5 minutes we were allowed to talk. 

"So where are you from?" Ashley said with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh Brampton!" I said turning to look at her so we could talk more.

"Wow that's pretty far from here! Why'd you move here" She said. I guess wants to know more about me.

"My mum and dad split up and I guess my mum wanted to get far away from him," I wasn't going to lie. If we were going to be friends I'd want her to know where I'm from. Just then my phone went off. I looked down at the screen. It had Josh's name on it. I smiled when I saw his name.

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