Stars and Old Friends

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Matt (my brother) and I were now at Starbucks sitting at a booth. Matt a got French vanilla and well I got a hot chocolate just cause I can. Matt was sitting across from me he was playing around with his I phone. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and my phone started to ring. I looked down at it and I have no clue who was calling me. I looked up at Matt. "Can I answer this I don't know who it is?" I said as my phone kept going off.

"Sure" He said not even looking up from his phone. I hit the answer key/button.

"Um. Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Amanda?" I didn't really remember the voice but I've heard it before. Whoever they are their female.

"Yes? That's me." I said as I looked down into my cup.

"It's Katie." Oh my god what does she want this time.

"Kay and you’re calling me why?" I asked a bit too rude but whatever she was part of the reason I was stabbed.

"Um… Well I was calling because I heard that someone’s coming to visit you like today." She said as I could hear her get in her car.

"Well can you give me a hint who the person is?" I said hoping it wouldn't be her.

"It's a guy." Okay. They better not be planning on staying with me.

"Do you know where they are staying?" I asked. Not with me! Not with me! Not with me!

"Some nice hotel. But I got to go." And then she hung up. Great, I really want to know who's on their way here.

Matt was still looking at his phone I put mine back in my pocket. I took another sip of my drink and looked the window and watched the cars go buy. Then I heard Matt put down his phone.

"Amanda." He sounded kind of annoyed. 

"Mhm" I said looking back over to him.

"We need to talk." He said as he looked in to my in the eyes. I did nothing wrong I don't understand.


"You and Josh." He said as he looked down. "Your mother and I don't think he's good for you."

"Matt are you on crack?" I said starting to get pissed off but more upset. Matt's has always been understanding and for him to say this is huge. Unless my mum's all behind this.

"Amanda" He paused. "Please he is not right for you, you get straight 80's we want you to get into UBC just like you've dreamed but if you stay with him your grades will start to go down. Plus we've heard things."

"What the fuck Matt!" I said almost as a yell but no one could hear. "You don't know him. You don't even know us. He loves me for me not someone I’m not! And please do share what have you heard?"

"Well I hear he's not in school anymore." He said as he looked down because he never even finished high school. "And I don't want that to happen to you." He sighed.

 "Look Matt I won't let that happen! I’m going to stay in school I have no choice I need to go to UBC." I said as I calmed down.

"Amanda I still do NOT think he's right for you."  He paused and looked up then back down to me. "But if you are happy with him then I guess I'm happy for you." He said.

"Thanks Matt! I love you" I said as finished my drink.

"I love you too. Now let’s go back home." He said as he got up from his seat. I got up and followed him out. We go in the car and I put my head on the window. Matt turned out the radio. A song started playing. This song sounded so familiar. I looked at Matt to see his jaw on the ground. Then it hit me. His song was on the radio. He was finally getting radio play.

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