Chapter 5: Having Fun

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Theresa POV

"OMG! That ride was CRAZY!" I yelled as we exited off the Screamer. It's a ride that goes all the way upside down and you go round and round. it's awesome!

"yeah i know" Diggy said "look at your hair" i stopped and got out the mini mirror i had in my satchel.

"dang i look a hot mess" i said as i took out a small comb and fixed my hair

"you didn't look that bad" he said to me. I smiled and we continued walking. "So what do we do next?"

"let's get an elephant ear" I said. We walked over to the cossesion stand and stood in line. When we got to the front he ordered the elephant ear. It was huge so we just got one. And we got some lemonade. Then we went and sat down

"So Theresa you liking LA?"

"Yeah I guess, It's cool to be somewhere in the winter and not be freezing cold"

"Truue" he said like 2 chanz. I laughed. We talked for about 10 minutes and then got on the Ferris Wheel. We weren't gonna do anything but talk. Besides I wasn't gonna let anything go down anyway. That's my cousin's boyfriend. Even though he's fine as hell, I know not to mess with him.


"Yay! look Mommy!" cassy said pointing to the ferris Wheel

"Are we going to the amusement park Lucy?" Jacob asked


"yay!" the whole car cheered. She pulled into the parking lot and as soon as she put the car in park everyone hopped out and ran

"GUYS!" Lucy called after us. "Aren't you going to need some money?"

"oh yeah!" we walked back towards her. She gave us 20 dollars each. Except Cassy

"hey what about me?" Cassy whined

"Your going to stay with me sweety"


"now everyone meet back here at 7:00 if you wanna eat"

"Okay" we all said. We all payed for our all around wristbands and went to the nearest ride.


"Aye ray aint that Theresa?" jacob said pointing towards the games. She was with Diggy and he had just won her a stuffed animal by knocking down milk bottles. Diggy is the biggest drug dealer at Burney. he sells drugs in and outside of school. he's big inside but outside he's just another dealer. We all used to be real cool with him until he started dealing, we don't do that.

"Yeah it is"

"Why is she with Diggy?" Trey asked

"i don't know" i said with an attitude.

"Is Theresa your girlfriend Ray?" Alex asked


"no but he wants her to be" Jacob said

"Aww that's sweet"

"Then i'm guessing Diggy is her boyfriend" Craig said

"I don't think so, doesn't he go with Leslie?" Trey asked

"Yeah" Jacob answered

"So why don't you go talk to her" Alex asked me

"Cuz' she's a Williams"

"Nigga stop Lying!" Jacob and trey yelled

"i'm not lying. her name is Theresa Williams. Neicey and Leslie are her cousins"

"damn that's f.cked up"


"What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?" Craig said. We all looked at him funny.

"it means how is her being a Williams have anything to do with you going to talk to her?" Alex explained

"OH!" we all said

"Well I absolutely hate the Williams sisters. I hate their whole family. They all crazy. And Theresa is one of them"

"Have you ever talked to her. Or at least got to know her?"


"That's not fair Ray. What if i was their cousin? You said yourself i was a cool person. If my last name was Williams you wouldn't have known that I was a cool person right?" Alex said

"i guess"

"Then how do you know she's just like nene or what ever that girl name was"

"i guess your right" I admitted

"Yeah she's right ray. Go get to know her first" Jacob said

"And you better hurry because it looks like she's leaving" I tried to go after her but it was too late" i walked back towards the group.

"What time is it?"


"Damn come on let's get back to the car" i said as we all started our way towards the car. When we got there Cassy and Lucy were already there waiting.

"hey guys did you have fun?"

"yeah" we all said

"Ray, Jacob, Trey guess what" Cassy said


"I got on the big rides and they were so fun!"

"that's awesome Cassy" Jacob said giving her a high five.

"Come here" she whispered. We all bend down to her level, but Alex and Craig kept walking

"Alex, Craig" Cassy whined they turned around. "Don't you guys wanna know to?" they smiled and came over to us. We all bent down to get to Cassy's level. "Okay so mommy told me not to tell you but we're going to eat at Golden Coral"

"AWESOME" trey and Jacob yelled

"Shhh! Shut up idiots i just told you i wasn't supposed to say anything.Are you trying to get me caught?"

"Sorry" they apologized

"Whatever, yall two are stupid. i'm going to the car. Wait up mommy!" she yelled as she caught up to Lucy. i couldn't help but laugh

"She hurt my feeling" Jacob whined

"Shut up!" me and trey said. We walked towards the car and got in. We headed to golden coral and i'm glad too because I'm starving!

Theresa POV

"So where are we going now?" I asked Diggy

"The most awesome buffet there is"

"Golden Coral?"


"Yayy!!!!" This was actually turning out to be really fun. i'm glad he brought me here. but today I saw Rayquan. I saw him and the rest of his family having fun. And two other people I had never seen before but they all looked happy. i didn't let it get to me though because i was having so much fun!


Okay so first off let me say that i am so sorry for the really really long wait. i didn't mean for it to go this long. I'm sorry. I hope you like it. i'm gonna try and post another chapter by tonight. Anyways. Vote comment and Share!

Love yhu guys!!!

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