Chapter 15: 1 Down...1 To Go

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[The Morning After the Party]

"Rayyy...Rayyy..." I heard my name being called but i ignored whoever it was. They reapeatedly called my name and then i felt a tickle in my nose "Rayquan!!!" they yelled but hit me in the face with a pillow. I opened my eyes to see Lucy and Cassy looking at me smiling.

"Why are you two looking at me like that?" i asked. Their eyes moved lower down. I lifted my head to see Theresa laying on my chess sound asleep. She was wearing my jacket. I smiled softly to myself

"Mhmm...I hope yall didn't do the nasty in my house" Lucy said

"Oh no, I would never disrespect you or her like that. We've only been together for like a week"

"See i raised you right. I didn't go totally wrong." She smiled "Now, you find a way to get up and you go downstairs wake up your brothers and clean up my house"

"yes ma'am" She walked out my room. Cassy was still here staring at us


"Can I take a picture?"


"Too Late i already did" she said showing me the camera of when we were both sleep

"cassy!" I yelled trying to get the camera but Theresa was still laying on me. She laughed in my face

"Cassandra!" Lucy yelled

"Yes mommy?"

"How about you go clean your room and leave them alone"

"Yes ma'am" she said. I stuck my tongue out at her she picked a pillow off the ground and threw it at me but it hit Theresa instead, waking her up as well. Cassy ran out the room and shut the door. I looked down at Theresa as she looked so confused

"Where am I?" She asked. She wasn't really refering the question to me she just put it out there

"Still at my house" i said. She quickly turned her head towards me. She looked and saw herself laying on me.

"Whoa, we didn't..."

"No we didn't"

"okay good. Wait what time is it?"

"Um like 6:35 ish" I looked at the alarm clock on the side of my bed "Yup it's 6:36"

"oh no, I have to get home before my aunt wakes up"

"Oh okay, do you want me to drop you off?"

"Please do" She got up and grabbed her things. We rushed downstairs and the house was a complete mess. There were red cups everywhere, people knocked out on my couch. Trey was sleep on the floor with Kay by his side. People in my kitchen sleep. What exactly happened last night?

We ran outside and got into my car, Well the car belonged to all 4 of us, but you know what i mean. We got in and I took her to her house.

"Okay, I'll call you if I'm not i trouble and I'll come over and help clean up later"

"Alright" i smiled. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and she got out. She went around to the side door. i hope she doesn't get in trouble.

I drove back home. I woke up the shirtless fat dude in my front yard and told him to go home. He got up and started walking away. i went inside and saw Trey and Jacob waking people up and them leaving. I went into the basement to see that it was even more messier than the living room. Wow we are going to be cleaning for ages!

[Somewhere around 2:30 in the Afternoon]

We've been cleaning for about 6 hours straight and all Lucy does is tell us we've missed a spot. Yeah, she's mad, but not because of the party but because we weren't paying attention and someone spiked the punch. Which is probably why no one really remembers anything. The flat screen in the basement is broken. I guess someone decided to play just dance but didn't put on the wrist-band thingy and it flew into the tv. So yeah she's a little upset that it got out of hand. She's more mad at me because I basically left the party, but it's all good.

"good. Now that the basement is clean you can get started on the kitchen. Oh and ray you owe me 15 dollars" Lucy stated


"Someone stole my steaks and my hamburger meat"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes and I was holding those steaks for special occasion"

"alright" i said. I felt my pocket vibrate. I took out my phone to see Theresa had texted me

TheresaTooCute: Hey, I'm outside

2BRAIDZ!!!: the door shud b open jus come in. We're in the basement

TheresaTooCute: kk

I put my phone back in my pocket and finished up the last bit up sweeping i had to do.

"hey ray" theresa said coming down "hi Lucy" She waved

"mhmm. Hello darling" Lucy said with a smirk. i gave her that 'Don't-go-there' look because she was about to say something about us sleeping in the same bed "I'll just leave you two alone then" She walked over to Theresa and gave her a hug then went upstairs

"Is your mom mad at me or something?"

"No way. She loves you. She was just wondering if we did anything last night and i told her we didn't"

"Oh, so what do you want me to help you with?"

"well the basement is finshed. We just have to clean the kitchen and the front lawn"

"okay" We went upstairs and there was a lot more that had to be done.

"So did you get in trouble?" i asked

"Almost. I forgot i had on your jacket, so i got caught but i told the truth and my aunt said i was okay and she was happy i didn't lie to her face. Plus she saw you drop me off this morning"

"oh okay. Well as long as your not in trouble"

"yeah, i'm good" she smiled

[After they're done cleaning]

"Wow i'm tired. I want to go to sleep" Theresa whined as we sat down on the couch.

"But it's only 5:30 and we still have a lot to do" She turned towards me with a confused look

"The house is as clean as it can get. What do you mean we still have a lot to do"

"My birthday party. We have to get started on that"

"oh. Well can't it wait til tomorrow. Look at my hair i can't go out doing anything looking like this. I look like an old maid"

"I don't know, i was supposed to get started yesterday but I post-poned it for the party. Just come on we have enough time to go to the club and rent it out, and make sure that it's mine on January 6 from 6:30 to like 12 or 1."

"Please? We're on break. No school tomorrow let's start bright and early tomorrow"

"okay I guess. But we're starting something now. Let's plan what we're going to wear"

"huh...Oh the queen thing. Alright I guess" He pulled out a notebook and a pencil from the coffe table drawer and we began planning the little things. Trey warned me that he gets a little crazy around his birthday time. I'm a little scared lol yall pray for me!



Lol hey guys i'm back! Camping was terrible! i got all types of things in my hair. And i have way to many bug bites to count. You'd think because it's winter that all these bugs would be dead right? ugh no! They tried to make me go hiking! I broke like 3 nails because i had to build a fire and i hurt my ankle. Then there were wolves and like bobcats and stuff. i was scared, i could never live in the outdoors ever! I am forever a city girl. then i even tried to sneak my cell phone in so i could still update and guess what...NO SERVICE!!! I was going crazy. My thumbs were so lonely without my phone being able to work. ugh never again will i ever do that! I'm just glad to be in a place where heat comes from a vent and not a fire made by logs and matches. Lol was the story? I took a long nap when i got back so I'll be up all night updating lol Hope you liked it. Vote Comment share

Love yhu guys!!!

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