Chapter 2: WAKE UP!!!

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Theresa POV

I woke up to hear singing and the smell of bacon and toast. I turned over and opened my eyes to see Mickey fully dressed. She turned around and seen me.

"Good morning sleepy head, I was just about to wake you up"

"Oh, what time is it?"

"It's only like 5:30. I got early today"

"Ok" i said still kinda groggy. I got up and slouched to the bathroom. I got in the shower did all my hygenic stuff then went into the room. Mickey had just left out. I went to my dressers and put on my underwear and stuff then went to my closet. I opened it and began to look for something to wear, i found it. I started getting dressed but then this random dude just walks in on me

"Hey mickey have you seen... WHOA I AM SO SORRY!" he said covering his eyes. I grabbed my towel and rewrapped myself.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" i yelled, he started studdaring and kept repeatingly tellilng me he's sorry

"GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" I yelled again throwing a pillow. He shut the door and i calmed myself down. I got dressed then went downstairs where everyone else was. I saw the same guy sitting down on the couch.

"Good Morning Ressie" my aunt Maysa said as i walked in

"Good morning aunt Maysa." i said and walked over to wear Mickey was sitting

"Mickey who's that?" i whispered walking into the kitchen

"Oh that's Daniel, Money's boyfriend" Money is just what we call my cousin Leslie.

"Boyfriend?" i asked a little surprised

"Yes boyfriend" Money said walking in the kitchen.

"well your boyfriend just walked in on me getting dressed" i said still in a low voice

"i said i was sorry like a million times. I was looking for Money" he said walking into the kitchen with us

"In Mickey's room?" i asked with a slight attitude

"Well she wasn't in hers or Mrs. Williams' rooms so i was thinking she was in there."

"Oh, Well next time knock!"

"Will do" he said drinking some orange juice and hugging money from behind. "I'm Diggy by the way"


"Well my name is actually Daniel but everyone calls me Diggy"

"oh okay.I'm Theresa. Nice to meet you" i said not really making eye contact. It was sort of an awkward moment but truth is Diggy was fine as hell!
He turned around to talk to my aunt Maysa and i mouthed the words 'He's cute' to Money, she mouthed back 'Thank you' and smiled. He came back over to us

"What are yall talking about?" he asked

"Theresa said you were cute" Mickey said putting me out on spot, Diggy chuckled

"Thank you, you not to bad yourself" he said which made me kinda blush

"Alright here yall go. We have eggs, toast bacon and hash browns, fresh off the stove" my aunt maysa said handing us our plates. We all thanked her and ate. After we were done we headed out the door.

"Here mickey" Money said tossing keys to her

"What are these for?" Mickey asked

"They're the keys to my car dumb ass. I'm not going to school today i got money to make. I'm gonna ride with Diggy, you go ahead pick up your little friends"

"Are you serious"

"Naw" she said sarcastically. We got inside Moneys red Charger and Mickey started the engine

"Don't wreck my car!" Money yelled

"We won't" Mickey said and with that she sped off.


"Ray...Ray Ray...RAY!!!" i woke up and saw my little sister holding a teddy bear.

"What is it Cassy?" i asked very groggy

"Mommy said to wake you up."

"Okay, I'm up now thank you"

"And she told me to tell you that you better hurry because she's leaving in an hour so unless you wanna walk to school i advise you to hurry" with that i jumped up and lightly pushed her out the door. I started getting ready. Did all my hygene stuff and got dressed. [A/N: you know what he wore in the Mrs right video, yeah that's what he wore to school] I looked in the mirror and realized my hair was a mess so i took it down. I was about to rebraid it when i realized...I don't know how to braid. So i ran downstairs to ask Lucy.

"LUCY!!" i yelled going down the steps

"What is it Ray?"

"Can you braid my hair?"

"When i get done with Cassy's"

"OKay" i said

"Are your brother's ready?"

"Yes we are" they said walking down the steps. They were basically wearing the same thing i had on. they stopped and we looked at each other

"Shakin my head, why do we all have to have such great taste in clothes?" Jacob said all dramatically. Everyone laughed.

"Good, Trey!" Lucy said

"Yeah?" he said with a handful of Cap'n Crunch and eating it

"One of you two go start the car" Lucy said, she tossed the keys their way

"Ooh me" Jacob said snatching them from the air

"No she said trey, your name is Jacob" Trey said snatching the keys from him

"Yeah but im older" Jacob snatched them back

"By 3 months"


"You know what, i don't even know why i asked. Give me those" Lucy said taking them from Jacob.

"Cassy go put on your shoes"

'what about my hair?"

"Damn it, come sit down boy" she said. I sat down and she started braiding my hair.

"i meant to ask you Ray how was your date last night?"

"Terrible, she tried to kill me"

"That's not good, you need to stay away from her, does she go to your school?"

"No thank god"

"Good, all done" she said. I felt my braids

"Dang that wsa fast"

"yeah yeah yeah let's go before you guys are late" she said pushing me.

"Shot gun!!" trey and Jacob yelled running outside. You could here them arguing all the way in here

"Shaking my head. What are we going to do with them?" Cassy said walking outside

"Come on Ray" Lucy said

"Alright let me grab me a orange or something"

"OKay hurry up" she said, just as she was about to leave there was a sound of glass breaking.

"Oh no, what did you break?" she yelled walking outside. Then i heard here start going off in spanish. All i could do was laugh because this is an everyday thing for us. Everyday


Yeah Buddy!!!! Alright i believe im all caught up now and i can start posting the new chapters. If you want me to post a new chapter type 'MISFITS ARE AWESOME' in all caps letters in the comments box. Then put at the end '143<3 MB' not alot right? So if you want me to post another chapter TODAY type that out in the comments lol

Love yhu guys!!!

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