Chapter 23: Why?

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THeresa POV

Where is he? i called over an hour ago and he says he's on his way. We only live 10 minutes away from each other! As i was just about to call him, he texted me letting me know he was outside. I ran out the door locking it behind me and hopped into his car

"Hey" he said

"What took you so long!"

"I'm sorry, Trey and Jacob wasn't back yet. I had to call Lucy and ask for her car. Which meant she had to leave work, bring me the car and I had to drop her back off at work."

"Oh" i calmed down a little as he pulled off.

"So why are we going to the police station?"

"Money got arrested"


"i don't know she wouldn't tell me!" i yelled. I didn't mean to yell at Ray but I was just so fustrated. No one was telling me anything and he was interigating me. I looked over at him and he looked a little hurt "i'm sorry ray. I didn't mean to yell at you. it's just a lot has happened in the past 2 hours. I just don't know what's going on and it's making me fustrated."

"it's okay."

[At The Police Station]

I walked up to the big desk and the man was doing paperwork. He didn't even look up at us

"how can I help you?" he asked

i didn't know what to say. i've never been in this situation before. I'm here to bail out my cousin? I don't know. I guess i was taking to long trying to figure it out because th big guy looked up at me

"How can i help you?" he prepeated.

"Um, Leslie Williams? is she here?" i asked. He scanned through some more papers he didn't respond

"What do you need with her?" Another guy said. I turned around and it was another police officer

"I'm here to bail her out. Is she here?"

"yeah. but you can't bail her out. she's a minor. We can't release her to another minor"

"She's basically an adult. She'll be 18 in 3 weeks" i argued

"Then until that day, she's a minor"

"Can we at least know what she was arrested for?"

"Drugs. She had them in her car and was high at the time"

"drugs? High? Are you sure?" i asked confused. what the hell is this guy talking about?

"Positive. now you and your friend go along now and bring back an adult."

"Fine, but can i at least see her?"

"yeah i guess"

"I'll stay here" ray said.

"okay" i agreed

"Are you coming or not" the officer rushed. I turned and caught up to him. He took me through some really long and dark hallways but we finally stopped at this one door. he opened it and Money was sitting on the ground in the corner. Her head lifted and her eyes were bloodshot red.

"here you go. You have 10 minutes" he said. "No funny business. I'm watching you" he told Money. She flicked him off and the officer left. I walked up to money and sat beside her

"Money whats going on?" She just started to laugh histerically. I knew it was because she was high but it was pissing me off

"Money huh? I'm not really liking that name anymore. Call me Leslie!" she said with spirit fingers and continued to laugh

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