Chapter 17: Who's AP?

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Theresa POV

I have three words for you...I...AM...TIRED!!! I've never done so much shopping in my life! And I'm from New York! There's stores everywhere there. Trey told me that Ray was gonna go crazy. I mean I believed him I just didn't think he was gonna go this crazy. I mean he bought basically everything! His birthday isn't til next week. We went to the bakery and he told the man what type of cake he wanted and when to have it by. The bakery is going to drop the cake off at the party. We went to go see the club owner and Ray rented the club out for his birthday. We even sent out all the invitations. Which were small bags full of stuff that told the people they were invited. There was a wristband in everybag and the person must wear it in order to get into the party. Ray is going all out.

"Glad to see your back." Money said when I walked into the kitchen. I looked at the clock on the stove it said 9:40. Dang I've been gone all day.

"Yeah where have you been all day miss missy?" my aunt asked

"With Ray!" Mickey said cutting me off. All three of them were giving me that 'mhmm' look

"What, we weren't doing anything but shopping" I defended myself

"Sure. What all did you buy?" my aunt asked

"Just a couple dresses. You guys wanna see them?"

"Yes!" they all cheered, scaring me a little. We walked into the living room where I left the bags and started to pull out the dresses.

"Okay so this is the one I'm wearing to the party" i said showing them all the purple dress.

"Wow this is gorgeous" they all said

"i know right. I almost got into a fight because of this dress" My aunt put down the dress and looked at me

"You weren't being...being... Ugh what's the word I'm looking for Mickey?"


"YEAH! That word. you weren't being ratchet were you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like you weren't messing up our image were you? Breaking the tradition?" Money said. Ugh i went a long time without hearing that word.

"um no. I just told her to give me back the dress. She wouldn't, i got a little louder then the employee came and we settled it all" I left out a few parts but they won't ever find out.

"Ok good. Now back to the dresses" My aunt said. For someone who is a college proffesor (s.c) she isn't that bright. But she teaches math so yeah.

After we finished looking at the dresses I went upstairs to my room. But as soon as i laid down here comes Mickey busting threw the door.

"Can we talk?" she asked. She sat down on my bed.

"yeah 'cuz we need to. Why were you sneaking in the house this morning?"

"That's why I have to talk to you!"

"Oh okay. So what's going on?"

"I don't even know for sure. I just know that what i think i know isn't what i want to know."

"huh? Mickey what don't you want to know?"

"I don't know!" she whined. She grabbed my pillow and slammed her face into it. I on the other hand have no clue what she's talking about and i'm super confused

"Okay Mickey sit up, and talk clearly so I can understand"

"Alright. First off, the person i'm talking about will stay announous (s.c.) until we're done talking. i'll just call that person A.P for annoumous (s.c.) person for now, kay?"

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