Chapter 22: Life's Good...Sike

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[That Following Monday]

"Okay everyone let's start class" Said our teacher Mr. Bilings. The classroom filled with a displeased awww

"Everyone calm down. Now has anyone started their project?" No one raised their hands "Nobody? No one has even started thier project"

"i started it." Theresa said

"Oh really? Care to share what you have Miss Williams?"

"Well I just have the titles. I don't have any lyrics yet. It's called He Is" she said.

"Nice. I can't wait to hear it. Now let's pick up where we left off Friday. Everyone stand up and we're gong to warm up our vocal cords" The whole class stood and were still not happy. Appearantly everyone in the class was accidentally put in this class.

"Now start..." The whole class sang our warm up song. It actually didn't sound half bad

Theresa POV

[After school]

"Theresa you wanna come over today so we can work on the project?" Ray asked me

"Sure, but i have to stop by my locker to get my chemistry book. I'll meet you outside by your car" I replied


I walked around the corner into the empty hall way. As soon as that last bell rings everyone is out and ready to go. I'm not surprised I wouldn't want to be here anyway, this school is old and it gives me the creeps sometimes.

I got to my locker and put in the combination. As soon as the lock opened I heard yelling. i looked down the hall way and seen nothing. Maybe I'm just imagining it. I finished taking off my lock and opened my locker. Papers fell out all over the ground. I started to get them up when i heard yelling again. Then i heard a clap like noise and a slight whimper

"Hello?" I said. Nothing. No one was in the hall way and no one responded. Now I'm starting to get a little freaked out

"Do what i say! You understand me?" i heard. It scared the hell out of me. It sounded so loud and scary.

"hello?" i said again. Still nothing.I hurried and finished picking up the papers. Grabbed my chemistry book and closed the locker, but the lock fell. I picked it up and put it on the locker.

"Stop crying!" i heard someone yell. It was the same deep voice and it was starting to make me upset. I continued to hear the whimpering

"Is anyone there?" i said starting to walk towards the noise. The further i walked the louder the whimpering got. It was coming from inside a cleaning closet. I reached for the doorknob


I screamed so loud i thought my lungs were gonna come out. I turned around to see Rayquan standing behind me laughing

"Did I scare you?"

"Hell yeah! Don't do that to me anymore." I held my hand over my heart. It was really racing

"I'm sorry. i came down here to see what was taking you so long"

"oh I was gettting my book but then i heard this voice and then i heard crying and i wanted to see what was going on. It was coming from this closet"

"The cleaning closet?"

"yeah" i said. Ray grabbed the knob and turned it. It was locked

"It's locked. Are you sure you heard all that coming from in here?"

Love At First Site (a Ray Ray love story)Where stories live. Discover now