Chapter 3: First day? Epic Fail :(

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Theresa POV

"Hi Theresa!!!" A very cheery Charlize said to me as she hopped in the back seat. Charlize is one of Mickey's bestfriends. I met her I think only twice when I came to visit one time. I barely remembered her name because it was so long ago

"Hi Charlize." I said back

"Oh they call me cookie now" Charlize said


"I don't remember. Something that happened in 8th grade, but nice to see you again. I can't believe you are going to be living here now. I'm so excited!" Cookie cheered

"Aye girl calm it down. You had coffee didn't you?" Mickey said


"Cookie, why you lyin?"

"Alright, I did but I thought it was decaf but when I realized it wasn't it was too late" she said in a rush

"Oh wow."

We pulled up to another house which wasn't to far away from Charlize's I mean Cookie's. Damn it why everyone decide to change their names when I come here?

"Where are we?" I asked

"Oh we have to get Kay" Mickey told me

"Who's Kay?" I asked. I hadn't heard about any Kay. The only one I knew was my aunt, but I know that we aren't picking her up cuz don't nobody know where she's at

"Kay is another one of my bestfriends. There she is" Mickey said pointing to the girl comimg out the house.

"Guess what" She said as she got in the car

"What?" we all said

"Nothing. Did you guys ever notice that....Hi I'm Kayleigh" she said looking at me and stopping her sentence and getting off subject

"Hi I'm Theresa" I said

"Shut up!" she yelled

"Um why?"

Kayleigh face palmed herself

"No not litterally." she chuckled "I mean your Theresa! Mickey has told us so much about you. I'm so glad to meet you!" She said. I smiled and just said it was glad to meet her to.

We finally got up to the school. It was a lot bigger than I imagined but not really. Mickey parked in a space that was labelled Williams parking only, they have their own parking spot? Well we got out, they did a check of themselves to make sure they looked good. I did the same and then we walked inside locking arms. So like if we were in a movie, this moment would be in slow motion, but my face would be the only one looking lost lol.

We walked down the middle of the hall. I was getting stares, I could hear whispers like 'who's she?" and stuff like that. They better not say nothing to me cause I hate when people say stuff and don't know who they be messin with.

We first stopped at the student center. We walked inside and there were workers everywhere. We walked in and they handed me papers. I looked at them and it was my schedule, where my locker was and all that. Then we went to my locker. Which of course was right by Mickey, Cookie and Kay's lockers. I didn't have anything but a big binder that held a couple of pens and pencils and notebooks so I had nothing to put inside yet. The bell rang and the halls cleared. I looked around as the girls were still looking inside their locker mirrors as if the bell hadn't just rang.

"Um..." I started

"Oh that bell isn't ours. We go at least 5 minutes after the bell rings"

"Why?" I asked

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