Chapter 18: Found You!

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Lucy POV

Okay Lucille calm down. You didn't loose Craig and Alex they're probably just playing hide and go seek. Yeah that's it...No they're teenagers what they look like playing hide and go seek? And for 2 days? I haven't seen Alex in 3! I have no idea what to do. I don't want to call the police because this isn't the first time i lost a child. Casandra used to run away all the time. So if I call the police they'll probably say I'm an unfit foster mom and they'll take my kids away. I love these kids I can't so i can't have that. I really want to call but I can't. I've question Ray, Jacob, Trey even Cassy to see if they know where they're at and they don't know either. I'm so scared

"Mommy?" Cassy called


"Is Alex coming back?"

"yeah. we'll find her"

"What about Craig. is he coming back with her?"

"yeah we'll find both of them" She looked so sad.

"Why did they leave us? Was it because of me?"

"No it wasn't because of you sweetheart"

"Then why did they leave?"

"I don't know cassy. I don't know" She went upstairs and I just sat down on the couch. I didn't want to panic but I was really close to doing it. I sat and thought about where they could have gone. i had no idea what so ever.

As I was thinking the doorbell rang.

"I GOT IT!" Jacob and Trey yelled coming from different places. They looked at each other rolled their eyes and went back to where ever they came from. I don't know what's wrong with them two. It has to be deeper than whatever they say it is.

"So neither one of you are going to get it?" i asked. no answer. The doorbell rang again, so i just got up and got it. I opened the door to see Theresa and her cousin at the door

"Oh Hi Theresa. Hello Neicey" i smiled

"it's Mickey" she corrected me. Theresa nudged her and whispered for Neicey to be nice.

"Hi Lucy. Um We're here to help look for Craig and Alex"

"Oh really? you too Neicey...I mean Mickey?"

"yes ma'am" she said.

"Well come in." I moved over so they could walk in. I shut the door and we all went into the living room "So, Theresa, Mickey do you have any clue where they could be?"

"I don't but Mickey said she might" I looked over to the girl who looked kinda sad.

"Well..." i urged

"Mickey tell her" Theresa said. Cassy, Ray, Jacob and Trey each came into the living room with us

"I'm not sure exactly where but a couple days ago Craig came and picked me up from my house so we could go to a party on the other side of town. After we left the party he took me to this house that was full of little kids running around. He called it his first home. He took me on the roof and he called that his hide out. I'm not for sure where we were but I think that's probably where he is now." She explained. I thought about it. "First home? First home?" I repeated to my self. Ohhh!!!

"Come on I know where they are" i said

I took the kids to where I know they're at. Theresa and Mickey rode in Ray's car and they followed behind me


"Does any of this look familiar Neicey?" I asked

"it's Mickey"

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