Chapter 6: THANK YOU!!!

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we were all sitting down at the table eating and having fun. We had been here for about an hour and a half already when the subject about my birthday came up.

"So ray are we still doing the Royalty theme?" Lucy asked me


"Did you find your queen?"

"Not exactly"

"What does that mean?"

"it means that he found a girl he wants to be his queen but he's to scared to ask her" Jacob said with a mouth full of food

"jacob hun don't talk with your mouth full"

"My bad"

"Now what does he mean your to scared to ask a girl to be your queen. From what i see every girl is dying to be with you Ray" She said giving me a smirk

"What you mean from what you see? you been spying on me lucy?"

"i wouldn't call it spying. I'm friends with you on facebook, i follow you on twitter. i see everything you do."

"When did we become friends on facebook? and since when do you follow me on twitter?" i asked. Then Jacob and Trey started laughing

"Don't worry about that. and I don't know why you two are laughing. I'm friends with all of you and i follow all of you. you all follow me back too." they shut up. "now back on subject. Who is this girl that you are to scared to ask to be your queen?"

"Her name is Theresa, she's new to the school and Ray likes her." trey said

"And I'm not scared to ask her"

"So what's the problem"

"You remember the William sisters right?" Lucy went to school with the william sisters too but it was their moms.

"Yeah. oh no don't tell me... She's a Williams?"


"Well is she just like the other ones that were already going to your school?"

"i don't know. After she told me that she was related to them i left. I haven't talked to her since"

"So you don't want to ask her because you think that she's just like Neicey and them."


"Well you need to get to know some one first before you judge them. never judge a book by it's cover. or in this case, by their last name"

Ugh! I'm getting this speech again? I'm tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. you know what. Fine!

"okay, i'll get to know her. But i'm not asking her until i'm certain she's different."

"THANK YOU!!!" Everyone at the whole table said

"So Ray how are you going to get to know her?" jacob asked

"i don't know. maybe just asked to see if we could hang"

"and when are you going to do this?" Trey asked

"As soon as possible:"

"You sure?" Craig said

"yeah, why yall keep asking me these questions?"

"because she's right there" Trey said. i turned around and there she was. at the ice cream machine.

"ooh, ray she's pretty" Lucy said

"yeah go talk to her" Cassy said. i got nervous. i didn't think it was gonna be this soon.

"See i told you he was scared Lucy"

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