Chapter 14: Party Time!!!

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I've been cleaning this house since i woke up! That was like around 8:00 this morning. It's 4:00 now. Craig's party starts at 6. Cassy is at a friend's house and Lucy is in her room. I had to clean the basement and my room. Trey had to clean the bathroom and his room. Jacob had to clean the living room and the kitchen. This is crazy! Luckily, my most awesome girlfriend came over to help, but she had to leave to go get ready for the party. Craig went out with Jawan to look for a new outfit to come to the party in. We had it all planned out. Craig was gonna be with Jawan for like a half hour after the party started to make sure everybody was there and then he was gonna walk in. He asked me if he could kinda take my small idea and walk in with a girl but he said it wouldn't be like how i was going to do it. I said it was cool.

Around 4:30 is when i started getting ready. It didn't take me long since i already knew what i was gonna wear. I rebraided my hair, did my hygenic thing and did a little extra. We were all done by 5:30. We started setting up. the DJ was ready and all set up. The kitchen was full of food. The cake was inside the fridge downstairs where we kept our extra things that wouldn't fit inside the fridge upstairs. It was really big! It was 5:55 and people had started arriving. the DJ was playing music.

At around 6:15 we already had a house full of people. A whole bunch of people from school but some people i had never seen in my life. But aye...The bigger the better!!! I called Jawan to let him know he can bring Craig in now. Theresa was by myside holding on to my arm when i made the announcement that Craig was on his way in

"Alright everyone! in about 30 seconds the birthday boy is going to walk through that door, And when he does I want everyone to scream happy birthday alright?" Everyone agreed. Trey gave us the thumbs up and in walked Craig looking fresh

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" Everyone yelled. He smiled and continued to walk in. Saying his hellos and giving out hugs, but he didn't have a girl on his arm. I guess he changed his mind.

He walked up to me, Trey and Jacob and we all shared a brotherly hug. He walked up to the DJ and grabbed the microphone. The Dj turned down the music

"Okay so i would like to thank everyone for coming out and celebrating my 16 birthday. this is real cool for me. I want to thank my brothers for planning all of this. And of course their girlfriends for helping. I want to thank my foster mom as well. thanks Lucy!" he said. everyone looked back and seen Lucy at the stairs. She waved and headed back upstairs "Well that's it. Everyone it's PARTY TIME!!!" and with that the DJ turned back up the muic and everyone started dancing. He jumped down from the mini stage and walked over to us

"thanks bro really this is amazing"

"No problem." He hugged Theresa, Cookie and Kay

"thank you" he said to them

"your welcome" they all said

"yeah happy birthday bro" Jawan said


"hey Craig, There's someone else that wanted to say happy birthday" Theresa said

"Who?" She pointed to Mickey standing by the wall looking uncomfortable and confused. he smiled and walked over to her.

"Wow you guys have really out done yourself" Cookie said

"Yeah, i've loved all your house parties but this one has to be one of the best"

"Thanks" we all said.

We were just awkwardly standing there. Bobbing our heads to the music.

"Well i don't know about you guys but um I want to dance. Come on Jacob" Cookie said grabbing his hand and taking him to the middle of the floor. We moved the furniture in a way that there would be enough room for people to dance. Me and Trey followed behind what Cookie said and decided to go dance with our girls as well

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