Chapter 28: Help Me

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Theresa POV

Oh hell no! My elbow made a sudden contact with whoever it was that decided he could grind al up on me. Whoever it was had rock hard abs and a really familiar voice. I turned around to see Trey kneeling over holding his stomach


"Theresa?" he yelled standing up straight

"What are you doing here?" i asked

"The question is what are you doing here elbowing guys in their stomach? Lucky for me i have abs and it didn't hurt that much but it still made an impact."

"I'm sorry...Wait no Im not! What the hell are you doing grinding up on me?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. All i saw was your um..."

"WHAT!" i yelled. The DJ turned on No Hands and it got really loud.



"WHAT!?" he yelled








"OKAY! I PROMISE!" he yelled. I turned back around then figured. If he's here, and the guys are supposed to be having a guys night out then Ray must be here too. I turned back around but Trey wasn't there anymore. I looked around but couldn't find anyone I knew. I started pushing my way threw the crowd. I got more irritated at the fact that it seemed that i wasn't going anywhere. I was being pushed and shoved and if one more trick accidentally twerks on my I'm gonna punch them in the face. I looked up and followed the red sign that said 'BAR' written in cursive. I followed the sign and finally got there. I sat down on an empty stool and the bar-tender smiled at me

"Hi, what can i get ya'"

"I thought this was a teen club?" i asked

"it is. You probably think because it says 'BAR' that we serve acohol. But we don't. The definition of bar is like a place where drinks are served. It's not always acohol"

"Oh" i said blankly. I didn't ask for a literature session.

"So whatcha want?" she asked again

"Um, do you have pink lemonade"

"Yes we do"

"Put it on my tab" a guy said. I turned around and met a smiling face that belonged to Diggy.


"Hi Diggy? Is that what you wanted to say?" he asked taking a seat next to me

"Um yeah, hi"

"here you two go" The bar-tender said setting my pink lemonade in front of me and giving Diggy a Sprite. I took off my lemon wedge and started drinking. I refuse to make eye contact with him due to what i found out about him

"Why aren't you looking at me Theresa?"

"What are you talking about. I'm looking at you"

"Look me in my eyes" he said lifting my chin up to look at him. I moved his hands away from me and his smile faded.

"Why are you acting like this? After i took you out on a tour of LA you wanna act like this" I quickly looked up at him in confusion. He had a square metal container and was pouring a liquid into his drink"

"What is that?" i asked refering to whatever it was he was putting in his drink

"Don't worry about it" He put the container in his pocket and drank his sprite. Then smiled and looked at me. "You want some"

"no thanks" i gagged at the thought of drinking. That deadly toxin is not going in my body

"Aww come on Theresa. Live have some fun!"

"I'm fine"

"Naw, i think you need a drink. Maybe a smoke"

"i say no to drugs"

"Why you so stressed?"

"I think you should stop drinking"

"Don't tell me what to do!" he yelled defensivly. I was surprised at his sudden change in voice. He started laughing histarically

"is everything alright here?" the bar-tender asked

"yeah we're good" Diggy said. "We're about to go dance"

I looked at her and gave her an assuring look. She smiled and walked back to another person and got them their drinks.

"Come on" Diggy grabbed my hand and pulled me off my stool and slightly out of earshot of the bar tender

"Um i'm kinda tired of dancing. My feet hurt"

"aww come on, it's only 11:00. You have a long time left"

"No Diggy I'm Fine" he roughly pulled me and tightened his grasp on my wrist

"Y-your hurting me"

"I said let's dance" he said. I got really scared and tried pulling away but that just made him grab on me tighter. And instead of my wrist he had a tight grip on my waist. One hand firmly grabbing my ass. I immediatly pushed his hand away

"What is wrong with you?" he asked me

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! Why are you acting this way"

"aww come on don't play like you don't want me. You come here from New York, spend time with me. Go on a date with me and now you want to pretend you don't want to dance with me"

"We never went on a date Diggy"

"Yeah we did. When we went to the amusement park, then went to dinner after. What did you think that was"

"i thought that was just you trying to be nice!"

"Wow you are a really good actress."

"i'm not acting"

"what about the time when i walked in on you. You purposely left the door unlocked just for me. But you knew you aunt was hoime so you changed your mind. I saw the way you looked at me when i came in"

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F.CKING MIND!!!" i yelled backing away from him. His high was really getting to his head.

He grabbed me again but this time said something that scared me even more

"Let's go"

"what? No!"

"I said let's go!" he grabbed my wrists again and then moved his jacket from in front of his pants showing the small hand gun inside the holster of his pants. My heart began racing. I was so scared. I looked im in his eyes and saw nothing but evil. He began walking and i followed. But not before mouthing the words 'Help Me' to the bar-tender.


Hi guys!!!

Okay so obviously there is a problem. What is going on? Where is everyone? What is Diggy going to do? Is the Bar-tender going to help? I hope so, Sorry it's short but i really wanted this to be a cliffy to see what you guys were going to say. So comment, comment, comment!!! lol

Love yhu guys!!!

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