Chapter 17

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Karim's POV:

Waking up due to the bright light of the sun shining in through the curtains I sighed, letting a groan escape out from my lips as I rolled over onto my side. But as I did so, and once I had at long last opened my eyes, the sight of an ever peaceful looking Thozi sleeping beside me in a second was to force a large smile upon my lips. Honestly, it has been far too long ever since I have seen such a beautiful sight before me. In a way it brings me back to the last moment in which I spent sleeping beside her, the night before I flew off here to Madrid to play for Real Madrid. That was the last time I spent the night in the same bed as her. So the memory then of how beautiful she looked has always stuck with me, all until this moment now, of course.

As honestly, the moment Thozi and I broke up I thought that morning would be the last all in which I ever see her again. Just the image of her beautiful face before I even had any sort of an intention to cheat on her. But of course, as we all know, that was not the case at all. That was not the last time I would see Thozi again, as out of the blue, she turned up in Madrid all after being transferred here from Lyon. Some may say that it is just a coincidence that we all of a sudden managed to be in the same place again after all these years, but, I class it down as fate. Fate brought us together the first time, and fate has now brought us together for of a second time. And I can tell you now that nothing is going to ever make me leave her again.

So anyway, keeping that very same smile pressed up across my lips I brought my hand just in that moment over to Thozi’s cheek. Softly caressing it, all in a sense of to softly wake her up as I used to, she only groaned and moaned in annoyance. In my opinion, this really is such a typical aspect of Thozi, never does she like to be woken up, like most people, and so even if I am to wake her up in the nicest possible way, she is still going to be ever so grouchy. But, to be honest with you, I need her to wake up, what use am I in being awake her now inside her apartment when Adrienne is unknown I am even here? I cannot just get up and walk around can I? But thankfully for me, she soon started to wake up as of then. “Good morning baby.”

But all she did in response to my words was groan again, opening her eyes now with both of her eyebrows to be furrowed in annoyance. But I have to admit to you right not, that in such a sense I could not help other than to smirk, trying as hard as I could to hide it. “Why did you have to wake me up? I was more than happy being asleep, on my day off.” Sighing then only as those words slipped out from her lips she sat up, stretching herself up into the air with all her hair all over the place. And I have to admit, that from the sight of it, it was then when in a sense I could not help but to smirk and laugh evidently. “So what do you find so amusing?”

“You’re hair, it’s literally all over the place.” Pointing to it as I spoke, I still let small laughs in that moment out from my lips. But all Thozi did was groan at me, shaking her head and then proceeding to puff her hair down. Honestly, the way of her acting right now really is, in such a sense, reminding me of how she was with me near enough every morning when both of us were together. Always moaning and groaning, complaining of being woken up, and in such a bad mood for at least half an hour before waking up. But what can I say? Even when the one you love has flaws like everyone does, you learn to appreciate and love them. “But you have nothing to worry about, even with your hair everywhere, you still look beautiful.” I winked.

I do not know what it was about the words in which I just spoke, but all of a sudden to me in a sense they caused for a smile to present itself across Thozi’s lips. Looking at me, all in such of a strong sense of happiness so it seemed. “Well thank you very much Karim, but it isn’t as if you’ve never seen my hair all over the place before.” Laughing as she spoke, I left just as in a second there as she moved into my arms, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck. I could only but sense the dramatic and strange change in her, that she was no longer to be moody but was now surprisingly in a good mood. “This reminds me so much of many years ago you know. Just the two of us, in bed all cuddled up.” Smiling widely as she spoke then.

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