Chapter 25

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Thozi's POV:

Yesterday evening is the last time I have heard from Karim, the last time we have spoken, all as he called me up to see how I was handling the situation we have been faced with. And if I am honest I do miss him already. I miss the sound of his voice, the way he cares for me after all that has happened, and, the way he continuously reassures me that everything will be ok in the end. But I know that taking a short break from speaking to him is the best for me all at the moment. I need my space, I need my own time, to get my head around everything which has happened, and I need time to sort myself out. And I know for a simple fact that I will not be able to do that while speaking to Karim, he distracts me from it, distracts me from reality.

And perhaps in a way being distracted from reality is a good thing, but in this case and in the way I am feeling right now, it is not. I need to face what I have done, I need to face now that I have lost everything – my job and a close friend – due to mine and Karim's secret all just to be out in the open now. Of course, I am aware that it is going to be ever so hard for me only to get passed this all and move on, move on and try to deal with the hurt which I have that I have put Lucia through, but I know I will be able to make it. The one thing I need to think of, is that she is feeling ten times worse than I am right now. She is the one who has now been cheated on, not me this time around, and, I do honestly feel ever so guilty and bad as now.

With Adrienne by my side though, she has given me the support and help that I need. As all over the past couple of days, since yesterday from when this all happened, she has all been here for me whenever I have needed her. If I need someone to talk to, someone to give me a bit of advice, or just simply for someone to listen to me without saying anything back, she has been there for me. All in all, Adrienne has been my rock, and I honestly do not know, at all, where I would be if I did not have her here by my side. My most likely guess is that now I would be drinking all my guilt away, with a large bottle of vodka to do the trick. But aside of last night, I luckily, and thankfully, have not touched a drop of alcohol, not to make it worse.

But anyway, enough of that, and here I found myself now; sat on the sofa with Adrienne by my side, watching the cheesiest chick flick we could lay our hands on, and such a large bowl of popcorn situated in between us. And to be honest with you, this is exactly what I need as right now. I need a night in – just as I had last night – and, I cannot think of any other better company besides Adrienne. She has completely taken my mind off everything for the night, and I am so thankful for it. Everything involving Karim and Lucia is to the back of my mind, I am not focusing on that aspect of my life. "You know, I really do wonder what goes through some of the people's minds that make these films." Adrienne shook her head, as she spoke.

And as I turned to face her then, properly, I watched as she stuffed a handful of popcorn in her mouth then. In such a result of it, all I could do was shake my head now, and let such of a little giggle escape my lips. "As crazy as you sound by commenting on that, I couldn't even agree with you anymore right now." With those words coming from me, it was my turn now to stuff some popcorn into my mouth, before turning back to the TV again, and, taking in all more than enough of my dose of the film twilight we had chosen to watch. "I mean yeah, of course I like the film but it's so predictable. Girl meets vampire and they fall in love, simple."

"Oh, and don't forget the amount of shit which comes from it." Adrienne adjusted right then her position on the sofa as so I noticed out the corner of my eye, before she took another of a handful of popcorn out of the bowl. "Yes, girl meets vampire and they fall in love, but then a whole lot shit goes down with all the other vampires." Speaking in a rather mysterious of a voice then, I could not help other than to shake my head again and laugh in response. All as I said earlier; this really is what I needed, I needed this to take my mind off everything. And so it was in that moment there when Adrienne looked at me as I turned to her, a confused sort of look upon her, while narrowing her eyes at me too. "What, what's so funny to you now?"

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