Chapter 18

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Karim's POV:

Checking myself out in front of me ahead of dinner tonight with Thozi, I smiled as a result of my appearance. Everything seemed to all be in check for me so far, from all of my clothes of choice, to my hair – well, what little I have of it anyway. So with a big smile presented all up across of my lips in that moment, I pulled my blazer further around me and shook myself all a little also in the process. And as soon as I had checked myself over again, to make sure I in such of a sense looked at my best, I made my way down the stairs to where I presume Lucia is to still be from where I left her earlier. But due to the mood in which she was in then, in a sense I am not sure if seeing her before I go is the best idea. I do not want to make it worse.

In Lucia’s defence though, I do in some sort of way understand where she is coming from in the reason as to why she is so annoyed with me. Yes I have not spend nearly enough as of all time with her as I should, being her boyfriend, but as you all know my mind is occupied such afar from her. And all to Thozi instead. She is my main priority as of now, and from the looks of things, always will be. Letting Thozi slip away from my grip in the past was easily such of a big mistake of mine, if not the biggest mistake I have ever made. And I can assure you now, I will never do it again to her. I will never hurt Thozi again, I love her too much to even do so.

Anyway, as soon as I got myself down the stairs I proceeded to walk through to inside of the front room where I heard the TV. So no surprise by any means, I saw Lucia sat across one of the sofas there. “Lucia, babe I’m going now.” Looking at her from the doorway as I spoke in a second there, I heard no answer come from her. And so just from the look upon her then, in an instance I was given the impression that she was ignoring me purposely. So I sighed in a second there, running a hand through my hair, as I continued to look at her. “Did you not hear me Lucia? I said I’m leaving now, to go for dinner with Isco.” But still she was to not in any sort of attempt try to respond to me, causing me to roll my eyes and walk away as then.

Just as I had got to the hallway in order to walk out of the house there came a voice in which stopped me from doing so, that voice of course owned by Lucia. “Don’t you expect me to be here when you get back later.” And that in itself there was to cause for me to walk back only to where she was sat on the sofa, finally reaching her as I raised my eyebrows then all in of a sense in confusion and concern. So as she finally realised that I was back in the room again, I noticed her looking at me with that same annoyed look upon her. “The girls called me while you were in the shower and asked me to go out and stay out tonight, so I decided to go out and leave you to it tonight.” Shrugging her shoulders, she soon looked back at the TV again.

I have to admit to you right now, that despite this of course being a punishment for me, in a sense it was dealt as a blessing. All to the point that now, I could easily bring Thozi back with me if I wanted. So trying to act annoyed with the Spaniard before me, I rolled my eyes in of a second there and sighed at her. “You know what Lucia? You do what you want, just as you do anyway no matter what I say.” Letting out in a huff, I noticed her nostrils starting to flare in an obvious reaction of anger to my words. “So you have fun and I will too, and I’ll see you whenever you decide to turn up tomorrow.” And with that I turned on the balls of feet, only to make my way loudly towards the front door – keeping up this whole angry façade as well.

Luckily enough for me though, and I did not even in such of a sense hear another word out of her after that. So smirking to myself as I shut the door behind me, I made my way in such a direction to my car. Getting myself inside and locking myself into the chair I was soon then on my way to pick Thozi up from her apartment, and all with such of a smile upon me. As if I am completely honest with you, the way Lucia has taken things really had wound me up all a hell of a lot. And I know just for a simple fact that spending even such a small or a long time with Thozi, is bound to cheer me up. Just seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, and getting all the pleasure of spending my time with her, that is enough to make the happiest man alive.

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