Chapter 4

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Thozi's POV:

“Thozi what is it, are you ok?” Clearly noticing the evident upset and hurt upon me as still I was to be looking on at the man in front of me – Karim, handing me my drink – Adrienne did not waste a second in resting a comforting hand on my shoulder, somewhat in her own silly attempt to get me back to my normal self instead of looking like some maniac to others that were around me. But I did not utter even a single word to her in response, instead I just was to carry on looking over at Karim in front of me. Wide eyed due to it coming as such an ever so massive surprise for me, I did not expect this. It is like something out of one of my wildest of dreams, or better yet, nothing but a nightmare. And a nightmare I want to wake up from.

But that did not seem to be an option for me, and the longer I looked over at Karim there in front of me with his hand extended outwards with a glass of wine within the more it started to come as a realisation that this was actually happening. And with tears springing to both of my eyes I realised I could no longer do this, I could no longer be in the same room with all of this big surprise coming at me. Thus pushing Adrienne’s hand away I shook my head over at the man in front of me, our eyes still connected just like the very moment they laid onto one another. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this. I shouldn’t have come.” And without another word to slip out of my lips I pushed aside Karim’s shoulder, walking quickly to get out the club right then.

On doing so though there was still the distinct sound of Adrienne’s voice shouting behind of me, calling out my name through the crowds of people; “Thozi come back, why are you even acting like this now?!” Annoyance as well as concern evident in the sound of her voice even if I could not hear it properly but that still did not make me turn back to look at her, instead I just carried on walking. And much to my luck I came across an awaiting taxi out across of the front of the club, so wasting not a second in doing so I jumped inside. Catching a glance over at Adrienne as she appeared from outside of the club, hiding just beneath the window to be sure she was not able to see me. This really is the last thing I need, all of Adrienne’s concern.

“El Viso apartments please.” Speaking in a rather weak voice from my constant and also to be consistent rage of crying I watched as the bald man in the front seat nodded his head at me in response, causing for me to breathe out in a sense of relief as he began driving. And in that instance I was given the chance to be able to do my seatbelt up around me, but only as soon as we were completely out of view from the club and along the busy roads here in the city of Madrid. So the second I could relax from not being forced to see Adrienne again for a while – well so I hope anyway – I leant my head back against the window beside me, taking deep breaths to calm myself as streams of tears continued to fall down both of my cheeks.

Just from seeing Karim just now he has caused all of this pain upon me, all the remembrance of how it was I felt back in the moment things ended between us. Receiving a simple phone call from him telling me it ‘isn’t fair on us both we’re having a long distance relationship as I will not see him’. When in reality that was not the truth at all, as the next morning in one of the magazines in Lyon there he was. Karim, walking out of what could only be named as well as pictured as a fancy restaurant. Hand in hand with some blonde, a familiar looking blonde as well now I know the woman. Yes, it was indeed Lucia, the woman he cheated on me with.

I was a mess, a mess of finding out the truth as to why he had really left me. Karim all along was cheating on me, with another woman and going behind my back when I was not around to do anything about it or even have the faintest of ideas. In a way I guess I should have had the slight of an indication to it, I mean with him barely speaking to me during the day for at least a couple of weeks at the most then I should have expected it. But I was in too deep of the love I had for him, being crazy about him and not suspecting a thing. The break-up in which I was a part of broke me, causing for me to not eat for days on end and when I did, it was not my choice at all. The girls at work were the ones which had to force feed with it all.

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