Chapter 10

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Thozi's POV:

Looking over at Karim from across table in front of me at the restaurant with us both having now finished our food I could not help the large smile from forming upon of my lips, such an ever so intense smile due to the fact of how our lunch together had panned out. It had been if I am honest, nothing short of perfect. The endless gazes into one another’s eyes, the looks from us both in thinking each other were not noticing, the ‘accidental’ touches from us both underneath the table, and the big smiles shown upon one another when the other was then to be telling a story. All in all, it reminded me of the happy times we once spent as a couple.

The way we have been with one another since our little talk to previous has been exact sort of snippet to our relationship all those years ago, all the happy moments we shared, all that laughing, giggling, and making brand new memories. And of course it is only early days as of yet, but from the way things have been going between us throughout this one and only of a time, I can only just imagine that we will be making plenty more happy memories with us to meet behind Lucia’s back. Some of you may be ready this now and thinking I am a fool to be even accepting the suggestion from Karim for us to meet secretly, but when you are to find yourself loving someone as much as I do Karim you make anything possible with the person.

Since all of those years ago now and to today Karim has meant the world and so much more to me, he has been all I ever thought about since the moment he walked into my life, to the moment we reunited again here in Madrid. Of course at some points in the past I thought in a sense that I was over him but then that little saying within of my mind came into play; you never forget your first love, not ever. And every time I even thought for a second that I was a slight way to be getting over Karim, those words came to mind, and reminding me that even if I would try a significantly high amount, I would never be over him. I guess I am truly to be thankful for that now though, as if I did get over him then I would not be sat with him now.

Anyway, focusing my attention back onto Karim again I showed that very same of an ever so large smile upon me, one which Karim shot right back to my direction, running my left index finger across the outline of the menu before me. “I had a really nice lunch with you today, a catch up even.” And as those words came from me and even larger smile appeared upon of Karim’s lips, looking straight and directly into my eyes, an intense look upon him. Just from a simple look such as that one off him, I felt weak at the knees with a blush to come over me in a matter of seconds. But calming down with a deep breathe in and then out, I went on in a little further to him. “Did you mean what you said though, us seeing more of each other?”

“Of course I meant it Thozi, every single word.” So with those words coming from him, I was to smile wider than ever, more than most pleased with Karim’s words; happier than really I know I could ever be. “I want to spend as much time with you as I can Thozi, and I know for a fact myself that it isn’t practical going behind Lucia’s back, but as much as we may want to go out on the streets and be normal together, it will all come in good time. I promise you.” I nodded my head in a way of response to him, smiling as I understood. “But anyway, now we have finished eating, would you like me to give you a lift back to your apartment again? It’ll give us the chance to spend some more time together?” A sweet smile upon once he spoke.

To which in a way of response to Karim’s words I nodded my head at him, a small smile now to be pressed upon my lips. “Yeah ok, I’d like that.” So with that and once Karim had given a nod of the head to my direction, we both stood up, watching as he pulled out his wallet in a sense to pay. But being the sort of person I am – in not liking it when people pay for things for me – I soon slipped out my purse from my bag, taking out the amount of money which I would need to pay. Before I was able to hand Karim the money though he looked at me, to push my hand away with a shake of the head coming from him. And just from that look I in that moment knew what he was meaning. “No Karim, you know I hate it when others pay.”

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