Chapter 21

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Thozi's POV:

Three weeks it has been ever since Karim and I both attended Sophie’s party together with Adrienne. And let me tell you something, things between the pair of us have only improved ever since. Throughout these three weeks – and the duration of time which I have spent all with Karim again – my smile has not left my lips by any means at all. This man really does in a strong sense make me the happiest woman alive, happier than what I was the first time in which we were together. And to make things even better with how things are going, I think Adrienne has finally warmed to him after all this time. Whenever the two of them are all to be around each other she actually tries, so that is all that I really could ever ask for from her.

In my true and honest opinion right now, I did think that maybe she would never ever warm to him due to the hurt which she knows he put me through all those years ago. But, from all the looks of things, that does not seem to be the case by any means, not at all. Adrienne in a severe surprise to me over the past three weeks has been so welcoming towards Karim, just by offering to have him round for dinner, and simply just being kind whenever she is to be in his presence. This really is far more than I would have ever imagined from her. And I have to admit to you that I have no idea where this came from, one minute she was not exactly all a big fan of his, but the next, well the next she seemed to all have just suddenly accepted him.

For all I know it could all simply just be down to the fact of her having a little drinks, perhaps it triggered some sort of realisation that Karim and I are in this for the long-run again, and so there is nothing she can do to stop it. I do not know, I am not a mind reader, but that is all to seem like the only connection I can come up with right now. But of course there is no way in the slightest that I am moaning about it, this is what I have wanted for such a long time now at the end of the day. Sure, she could have come about this sooner, but, the main thing only now is that she has accepted him. And that, well it only makes my life a whole lot easier too.

Anyway back to the here and now, and here I was hand in hand with Karim along the streets of Madrid. I know what you are thinking right now; a little risky, taking into consideration all how you do not want people knowing about you two just yet, right? Well, I do completely in a strong sense see where you are coming from and I agree with you. But I have also thought long and hard about all of this and I have come to the realisation that if Lucia is to find out, I am willing to accept it. Besides, she will have to find out eventually and there is no way that I am going to let the fear of being caught mess with the time I spend with Karim. Of course, I would prefer to be the one to tell her myself but I am tired of staying hidden away with him.

“You know, it was really brave of you to actually accept to come shopping with me today.” I in an instance of hearing those words slip out from Karim’s lips looked up at him, a smile all to be pressed up upon me as I simply just nodded my head. Of course, with each and every of a corner we walked down I was petrified that a man with camera would be down there to snap a picture of us, but I was not going to let Karim know that. “I honestly didn’t think that we would be able to do normal stuff like a normal couple until we told Lucia.” He shrugged, looking at me still as I continued to smile. “I mean of course, yes we have gone out for a bit of dinner but that isn’t really the same. As right now, we are truly out all in the public eye.”

I nodded my head in a way of response to his words and continued to smile, caressing then the back of his hand with my thumb as I looked up deeply into his eyes as we continued now to walk along the streets. “It is a big deal to me Karim, I’m not going to lie to you.” To which I received a nod of the head in answer to my words, him showing me how he understood all in which I was saying. “I’m scared that just out of nowhere a photographer is going to come and take our picture, I honestly am.” Not being able to keep the truth in me much longer, in a sense I knew I had to tell him. But luckily enough for me, Karim seemed to understand still as he nodded and smiled at me. “But I’m doing this for you. Actually no, I’m doing this, now for the both of us as I’m tired of hiding our relationship away. It isn’t doing us all any good.”

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