Chapter 3

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Thozi's POV:

“Here, get this down you.” Walking over to the kitchen side I was sat up in front of Adrienne made her way over with two plated of toast from the counter not far aside, placing them on the table I was sat at before joining in front of me. “The taxi should hopefully be outside the apartment in about ten minutes or so to take us to work.” Humming as a response I nodded my head and smiled, looking over at Adrienne as she bit on the heated toast she had held in her hand. Whereas I on the other hand, well I instead resorted to a different method which involved my eating, breaking off smaller bits with my fingers to pop delicately in my mouth.

This is it, the start of my brand new life here in Madrid. Away from all of the horrible burden of bad luck in which Lyon brought to me, from the parting of my mother to the heart break in which is carried by Karim. It is time for a new start for me, time to get on with my life and not think about every bad possible thing which my home city holds. Of course I am going to now be much closer to Karim than I ever have been in a long while now but all of that is now in the past, and I want it to stay there. I do not have to have anything to do with that man so that is how I will want it to stay. For all I know if we do unluckily bump into one another with the chance, either at my workplace or around the city, odds are he might not recognise me.

And in all honesty if that is to happen then I really do hope he does not recognise me, as the last thing I want is for all of my past that I have left back in Lyon to fly back and smack me in the face. That is a different part of my life now, a part which I hope to never haunt me ever again now. I am older and wiser since being that stupid and young adult I was back then as it would be said I was by a lot of people – my mother included if she would have been there to see exactly how things had panned out with Karim. Why I am even thinking about all of this now is a mystery to me, perhaps it is overwhelming the fact that I am going to be working in the same area as him. I do not know. But one thing is for sure; I need to snap out of it now.

So turning my attention back to Adrienne sat across from me with my single piece of toast now to be held within my hand as I picked at it I noticed something strange about the way in which she was looking at me, almost a look of concern about me so it seemed. I had an idea as to why she was looking like that, due to my deep thoughts a moment ago, so not wasting a second in doing so I jumped into conversation. But only to prevent the questioning which I can expect to come from the woman in front of me. “So work, what do you think our boss is going to be like then?” To which as a response Adrienne simply shrugged her shoulders over at my direction, seeming to be in the same boat as me with not knowing a single thing now.

“I don’t know, I don’t know anything about her really. All I know from the way Sofia decided to explain her to me is that she’s friendly, a little like the other colleagues around work I can only presume.” Again shrugging her shoulders at me I looked to her direction and away from my food, noticing as she had now finished and evidently waiting on me so we could leave in a way to make it to work on time. “I’m sure everything will be fine though, so don’t worry at all Thozi.” Nodding my head I smiled at her, continuing to eat. “But if you don’t get a wriggle on with the time you’re taking to eat that last slice of toast then I honestly don’t think we’ll even get the chance to make our judgements on her, as you’d have got us sacked by then.”

“Alright, alright, I’m hurrying.” Laughing I shoved the last broken off piece of my toast inside of my mouth, delicately wiping away the crumbs from the creases of my lips before standing up. “Let’s go then.” Speaking with a mouthful I grabbed my bag from the floor, making both of our ways out of the apartment and to the expected taxi down outside of it. “You have got the key haven’t you?” Narrowing my eyes at Adrienne as we stood in the elevator to take us both down she rolled her eyes at me, smirking and nodding as she held it before slipping the keys into her bag. Call me a paranoid and somewhat controlling person all you want but this is Adrienne we are talking about here, easily world’s most forgetful person most of the time.

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