Chapter 14

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Thozi's POV:

Turning the door handle of the door leading into mine and Adrienne’s apartment, I was soon to make my way inside. Still having the exact same smile from previous spread right the way across my lips, from ear to ear, as I walked further inside. And, as soon as I got myself inside to the living area of the apartment, I found Adrienne led across the sofa. All in the same of a position as she was before I left. I could not help but to shake my head, a laugh now coming from me as I sat down beside her. But in doing so she narrowed her eyes at me, referring to the large smile plastered across my lips. “And what are you so happy about?” Smirking over in my direction, she sat up. “So let me guess, you’ve had an amazing day today with Karim?”

The second in which those words came from her I could not help but to giggle due to it, only then to bite down softly on my lower lip. “You could say that, yeah.” Smiling towards of her, I proceeded to kick my shoes off my feet, placing my bag down beside me on the floor while in that moment I got myself more comfortable. “But I had a really nice time to be honest, it has to be the best day I’ve had in a long time.” And from those words coming from me then, I could not help but to relive the day I have had with Karim. From the film at the cinema that he rented out for us, to the lunch at a nice restaurant in the heart of the city. All in all, today had been an amazing day, perfect in fact. There is no one I would rather have spent it with.

“Well, come on then, are you going to tell me what you two did?” But in a way of annoying her, I stayed silent. All with a smirk upon my lips. And from the look in which she was now to be giving me, I had to desperately keep my laughter in. from surfacing out into the open air of around us. “Oh come on Thozi, you can’t keep this to yourself! Tell me, tell me, tell me!” As those words came from her lips then she proceeded to shake me, as if to shake the truth out of me or something. But it was only then when my laughter erupted out into the air all around us, pushing my head back as I rested against the cushioned sofa here beneath of me.

“Ok, ok.” Laughing continuously as I uttered those words, I tried to stop Adrienne as of right then from shaking me. “I’ll tell you.” And it was right then when she soon stopped, sitting in front of me on the seat next to the sofa, looking eager towards of me due to all of in which I was about to tell her now. “He took me to the cinema, rented it out actually so we could see Fifty Shades of Grey.” It was as of then when she widened her eyes at me, somewhat in of a sense of shock. “Yeah, somehow he managed to get the cinema to play the film despite how it isn’t even out yet.” Shrugging then. “But yeah, anyway, we watched the film and after, we went out for lunch to this nice restaurant not too far from here. It was so nice, I loved it all.”

Throughout all of my explanation then as to what I was telling her, Adrienne looked towards of me with such a large smile. Almost like she was admiring all the time and effort Karim had put into our date – if you would even call it that, I do not know. “Wow, well he sure did pull out all the stops for this Thozi. I bet you enjoyed it.” To which I nodded my head, despite all of the times already I have mentioned it to her. “Well I’m glad, I really am. But still despite it all, I’d like you to be careful with him. I still don’t trust him completely, and the last thing I’d ever want is to see you get hurt again.” Even though I knew she had good intention in all of it, I could not help but to roll my eyes. “Don’t be like that Thozi, I’m just looked out for you.”

“I know you are Adrienne but still, I know when to be careful and I am.” Nodding her head in that moment at me I sighed, beginning to question myself on whether or not Adrienne ever will be able to have full trust in what Karim and I have at the moment. “I’m not going to rush this all by any means at all, I want to take it one step at a time.” Smiling at her as I was then to utter those words, Adrienne smiled back. “It’s all down to me anyway why all of this isn’t going a step further, all me.” To which right in that moment she looked in confusion at me, a furrow to appear across her lips, as if questioning me on what it was I meant. So with that, I was to continue to explain to her. “Well Karim wants to tell Lucia about us, he wants now to be able to come clean to her. But I don’t want to, at least all not yet, I’d like to keep my job”

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