Chapter 6: Haunted Dojo

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A couple of years have passed and Jeff and Ashley are thirteen and in the eighth grade, there sitting at a lunch table eating with Catherine, and Keith. Bailey, Randy, Troy, Jane, and Haille are all sitting at a table just watching them. "So, what's this plan again?" asks Bailey.

"It's quite simple, you see. Jeff and Ashley have been doing karate together since the baseball incident, and everyday after school they go to Jeff's house to practice their moves. So I decided I would forge a letter from their sensei, master Yakamoto," explains Randy.

"Where did you learn to do that from?" asks Bailey.

"I know a guy, anyway, the letter will say to meet him at the dojo, for some extra practice, and that's where we'll be there."

"What are we going to do to them?" asks Jane.

"Very simple my plump friend, we're gonna teach them a lesson, then we'll have our fun."

"What do you mean 'have our fun?" asks Haille.

"Oh you'll'll see, but for right now, I have a message to deliver." Randy walks over to Jeff and Ashley, "Hey losers."

"What do you want ice brain?" asks Jeff.

"Teacher asked me to give this to you after class," says Randy. He hands Jeff the note, 

"What is this?" asks Jeff.

"I don't know, he just said to give it to you, look I don't want to be here any longer than you do, just take it!"

"Fine," says Jeff as Randy walks away back to his seat.

"Now watch and learn," says Randy.

"Who do you think it's from?" asks Ashley.

"I don't know, let's find out," Jeff says as he opens it. He reads the note and says, "It's from Mr. Yakamoto."

"Oh, what's it say?" asks Ashley.

"It says to meet him at the dojo tonight for some extra training."

"Oh, sounds fun!"

"I know, maybe he'll finally teach me the move to break someone's arm!" Keith interrupts, 

"Woah, woah, woah, how do you know it's not a trick from Randy?"

"It's not, it's Mr. Yakamoto's handwriting," says Jeff. The bell rings and they get up to go to their next class. 

"I'll see you guys later," says Keith. He's about to walk away when he sees Haille approach them, he comes back. "Hey Haille." 

"Hey Keith, look guys I need to talk to you."

"What about?" asks Jeff.

"That note, Randy gave you, it's a trap! He wants you to come there, so he can teach you a lesson, and 'have his fun'."

"What? But this is Mr. Yakamoto's handwriting," says Jeff.

"No it's not, he forged it."

"That sly bastard!" says Keith.

"What do we do?" asks Ashley.

"Well...I've got it! We'll get there before him and set up a little plan of our own," says Jeff.

"Okay, what's your plan?" asks Haille.

"Well, let's just say Randy's not the only one who knows people. Walk with me." Jeff walks down the hallway explaining the plan to get back at Randy.

It's late at night and Randy, Hallie, Bailey, Jane, and Troy arrive at the dojo, but it's locked up tight. "The doors locked Randy!" says Bailey.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," says Randy. He gets down and picks the lock opening the door, 

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