Chapter 10: Making Things Happen

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It's a couple of months later and Bailey, Jane, Haille, Troy, and Randy are all having breakfast together while Brock and Terra watch from afar. "Geez, it's been two months, you think they would let up on us?" says Bailey.

"Yeah, Massie has always been strict with his policies. I guess we really must have pissed him off."

"Oh, gee really!"

"Look, I'm getting real tired of this tude you have"

"Well, I'm getting tired of not seeing results, I mean just look at them!" They look over and see Jeff and Ashley kissing and holding hands.

"Do you not think it pisses me off too? I had plenty of plans, and they've all been foiled! I think someone is snitching on us."

"But who?" asks Jane.

"I don't know." Haille gets up, 

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go make fun of Jeff and Ashley again," says Haille.

"Wow, that's the fifth time today, I'm so proud of you!" says Bailey.

"Thanks, BRB." Haille walks over to Jeff and Ashley, Randy raises his eyebrow and head, 

"Wait a minute..."

"What?" asks Bailey.

"Of course...That little bitch!"


"It's Haille! She's the one that's been snitching on us! I mean just think about it. Every time my plans have been foiled. Haille just runs off nowhere to be seen, then comes back, and my plans get ruined!"

"That's actually a good point...But how do you know for sure?"

"Bailey, just look at her! Do you really think she's 'making fun of them.' Bailey looks at her,

"Oh my god you're right! I can't believe this...I am going to bully her so hard on Instagram now!" She attempts to go on her phone, but Randy puts her hand down. 

"No, I have a better Idea, we just need to lure our rat, into a trap."

"But how do we do that?" asks Jane.

"Well, I was thinking..." Randy tells them his plan.

They are all walking down the path to the next activity when Bailey walks up beside Haille. "Hey sister!" says Bailey.

"Hey, Bailey, what's up?" asks Haille.

"Well, I just wanted to know how your day was."

"It was good, thanks for asking...Are you feeling okay?"

"Of course I am, I just wanted to know how your day was."

"Okay, just curious."

"So, I think Randy might've found our rat."

"Really? Is it Jane, I knew it, she's just the type!"

"I don't know, maybe, but he said we needed to meet him at his secret cave."

"Oh, okay, I'll be there. Now I really have to go bully Jeff and Ashley some more. Okay bye!" She runs off to catch up with Jeff and Ashley, 

"Yeah, that's right, run to them, you traitor!" She says to herself as they continue to walk down the trail.

It's nighttime now and Haille wakes up, she sneaks out of the cabin and into the forest. She sees Bailey and Jane talking outside the entrance. "I don't know about this Bailey," says Jane.

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