Chapter 11: Betrayal

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Ashley, Catherine, Jeff, and Keith all arrive at the cave. It looks the same way as they left it. "So this is the cave, huh?" asks Keith.

"Yeah, and somewhere in that cave is Bigfoot," says Jeff.

"So what's the plan?" asks Catherine.

"We go in see if Jane and Haille are in there, and if they are we'll take some pictures." They hear rustling in the bushes. 

"What the heck was that?" asks Catherine in a terrified tone.

"I don't know...Who's out there!?" screams Jeff. The bushes continue to rustle until Liv comes out of the bushes, 

"Calm down, it's me."

"Liv! What are you doing here!?" asks Ashley.

"You think I was just gonna let you have all the fun? Heck no! Now let's get in that cave!" She attempts to walk into the cave, but Ashley stops her, 

"How did you even find us?"

"You really thought that spider thing would work on everyone? Pffff, please I scare Terra with fake spiders all the time."

"And she's probably worried sick about you," says Ashley.

"Probably, but she'll be fine. Come on just let me join you! The only adventure I've ever had was exploring my grandma's attic, please?" Ashley thinks for a second then says, 

"Alright fine, but you do not leave my side!"


"Good now that's taken care of, follow my lead everyone," says Jeff as they enter the cave.

They enter the cave and it's pitch black, they turn on their flashlights on their phone which reveals a long narrow path. "It sure is creepy in here..." says Catherine.

"Meh, I've seen scarier haunted houses," says Liv.

"Well we all can't be as badass as you," says Keith. Liv giggles and says,

"I know."

"You are a weird little girl," says Jeff.

"At least I'm not the one wearing a hoodie in eighty degree weather."

"I'll have you know, young lady that hoodies are very in fashion!"

"Yeah, maybe in emo land..."

"Are we getting close to anything?" asks Ashley.

"I don't know," says Jeff as he looks around. They hear a roar in the cave, 

"Woah...that was weird," says Keith.

"Finally! Some action!" says Liv as she runs off into the cave.

"Liv! Goddammit! Come on we got to go after her!" says Ashley as they run off into the cave.

Back at camp Mason and Cassandra are waiting for the cops when Brock and Terra run up to them. "Mason!" says Terra.

"Woah, woah, slow down. What's going on?" asks Mason.

"Ashley and Catherine are gone!" says Terra.

"So are Keith and Jeff!" says Brock. Mason sighs and says,

"Why am I not surprised? Do you know where they went?"

"No idea...Probably just sneaking off to hang out somewhere," says Brock.

"No, there not that stupid...Hmmm." Terra walks off, and cop cars pull up to the camp and two officers walk up to Mason, 

"Hello, are you the one who called us in?" asks the officer.

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