Chapter 9: Captured

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Ashley and Catherine wake up in the morning to a light switch being flipped on, they all groan. "Wake up girls, it's time for another fantastic day of fun!" says Terra. Ashley and Catherine both get up and walk to the bathroom, they start brushing their teeth. 

"So how did you sleep last night?" asks Catherine.

"As well as I could have, I guess, what about you?" asks Ashley.

"Good, I swear I heard something last night by our bed though. I thought it was you, so I didn't check it out."

"I didn't get out of bed last night."

"Really? Huh, weird." Terra walks in the bathroom, 

"Hey ladies."

"Hey Terra," says Ashley.

"How did you sleep last night?"

"As well as I could, considering Jeff's in the infirmary."

"He should be fine today."

"I hope." They hear the door to the cabin bust open, then they see Haille run into the bathroom, 

"Oh good! Ashley, I think I left something in your drawer mind if I get it?"

"What? How did you get in my drawer?" asks Ashley.

"Bailey wanted me to snoop through it, and I accidentally dropped a ring in there."

"Oh, well I would have to move a couple of things, but yeah you can get it." Ashley goes over the drawer and opens it, she tries to rummage through it, but Haille stops her. 

"NO! I mean let me look through it."


"Because, it's very precious to me, and I'm the only one who can touch it!."

"That, literally makes no sense. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just want to find it myself."

"Alright fine, sense it apparently means so much to you." Haille sticks her hand in there then feels a bite on her hand, she screams and falls down on the bed in pain crying. 

"What the hell?" screams Terra, when the spider appears in the drawer. 

"Is that a spider?" asks Ashley.

"Spider?" says Catherine as she looks in her drawer, "Oh it is a spider, a Orange Baboon Tarantula to be exact."

"Is it poisonous?" asks Terra.

"Yes, but it's a non-lethal poison, side effects like, cramping, vomiting, fever, and spasms."

"Jesus, are you okay honey?" asks Terra.

"I don't feel so good, I feel like my stomach is on fire," says Haille.

"We'll get you to the nurse honey don't worry." Terra sees the spider and takes a phone book, she throws the book down on the spider and stomps on it. "Someone clean up this mess," says Terra as she exits the cabin with Haille.

"We should go see what's up," says Ashley. Catherine nods her head, and they get dressed and exit the cabin.

They get to the infirmary and find Haille sitting down on a bed next to a nurse. "Hey!" says Ashley

"Hey," says Haille.

"Are you gonna be okay?" asks Catherine.

"She's gonna be fine, but the effects of the venom are going to last a couple of days. The weird thing is we just had the pest control people come in and clear the cabins, so I have no clue how a spider got in there," says the nurse.

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