Chapter 5: Softball Shenanigans

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A couple of months later Ashley is getting ready for her final softball game of the season when she gets a call on her cell phone, she picks it up. "Hello?" asks Ashley.

"Hey, it's me," says Jeff.

"Oh, hey Jeff, you coming to the game?"

"Of course I wouldn't miss it for the world, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I just get nervous before big games like this."

"Don't be you're gonna do great, and I'll be in the stands supporting you the whole time."

"I know you will, so how's that new phone working out?"

"It's great, me and Keith have been texting literally all night."

"Ohhhh, someone has a crush."

"Shut up, no I don't, he's been talking about how he should ask out Haille."

"No way!"


"OMG! They would be soo cute together."

Jeff laughs a little, "what?" asks Ashley.

"You're such a girl sometimes."

Ashley giggles, "well, I gotta get ready I'll see you there ya dork."

"Alright, bye." Ashley hangs up the phone and throws on her hat, when she gets another call. "Hello?" asks Ashley.

"Hey sweetie!"


"Hey pumpkin, I really wish I could be there for your big game, but I have to oversee the building of this retirement home."

"It's okay daddy, I understand...I miss you."

"I miss you too pumpkin, how's your mom doing?"

"She's okay, she's been working a lot lately though."

"I know, but that's what grown ups do, they work. They have too, if they want to make money. Jessie's there right?"

"Yeah, I just wish mom was around more often."

"I know, well I got to go pumpkin. I hope you do well in your big game."

"Thanks, as long as I have mom, Jessie, and Jeff there. I won't care how the score turns out."

"Oh yeah, that boy, tell him I said hi."

"I will, I love you daddy."

"I love you too, bye." Mr. Smith hangs up, and Ashley grabs her bag. She walks out the door where Jessie and Ms. Smith are in the living room waiting. 

"You ready to hit'em out of the park cowgirl?"


"Ashley...I hate to say this, but the hotel is having me come back, they want me to fill in for the afternoon show as well, I'm sorry," says Ms. Smith. Ashley looks at her with a disappointed look, 

"It's okay mom, I understand."

"Hey Jessie's still gonna be there."

"You're darn right I will be, not even a twister could hold me back!"

"Jeff will be there too, see you have plenty of people are coming, you don't need me."

"But mom-"

"Sorry sweetie, I've got to go, love you," says Ms. Smith as she kisses Ashley on the cheek and walks out the door.

"I'm sorry cowgirl..."

"I just really wanted her to come..."

"I know, but hey, let's say after the game, I'll go get you some ice cream."

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