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"Good evening Ferrisville I'm Bob Tio."

"And I'm Margret Yao. Tonight's top story a notorious serial killer has finally been stopped. We go to Garry Rat who is at the Ferrisville county coroners." They switch over to Gary.

"Notorious serial killer Jeffrey Alexander Woods AKA Jeff the Killer was finally killed by Detective Ashley Smith last night. We tried to get an interview with Ms. Smith but she is currently going through psychiatric evaluation. Jeff the Killer has murdered over one hundred people, higher than any other serial killer to date. We interviewed one of the families of the victims of Jeff the Killer." They switch over to his interview.

"This is Wyatt Powell; his son was an unfortunate victim of Jeff the Killer. He told us how happy he is that the serial killer is finally dead."

"I'm glad that ugly son of a bitch is dead, but that won't bring back my boy..."

"Wyatt's son Eric was only nine years old when Jeff brutally murdered the boy with a wooden bat he had lying around in his room."

"How did you feel when you heard that Jeff was dead?" asks Gary.

"I was..." He starts tearing up. "Overjoyed, my boy finally had justice..."

"Tonight, at the Ferrisville cemetery there will be a vigil for all the victims. Everyone is invited, free of charge...I'm Garry Rat Ferrisville news..."

Thousands of people show up for the vigil, a man in a suit comes on stage. "Hello everyone, I'm Harry Volderman, mayor of Ferrisville. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who showed up here tonight. A new dawn has risen in Ferrisville, we don't have to worry about shutting our windows at night or look behind our backs. Jeff the Killer is dead, but his path of destruction will never be forgotten. Friends, Family, I'd like to say a prayer." Everyone bows their heads and closes their eyes. "Father, I'd like to thank you for this wonderful night. And I'd like to thank you for giving us relief and closure. I pray for the victims and their families affected by this monster, but we know that they're in a better place. Father, I pray that we can move past this, and that we can continue to love and support each other the same way you do with us. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen." Everyone else says amen and the mayor lights up a candle. "Now let us sing some songs of worship." They sing some worship songs. After the songs the mayor comes up to the mic. "Ladies and Gentleman, Ashley Smith, the brave woman who stopped that madman would like to say a few words to us." The mayor walks off stage, and Ashley walks on stage. Ashley grabs the mic.

"Hello everyone, tonight a book has closed, in my life, and many others lives as well. But while he was a monster that deserved what he got, he also used to be just like you and me. I know it's hard to believe, but he was. He was a great son to his family, a great student in school, and a great friend to all who knew him. He was truly my best friend, until that monster known as Jeff the Killer, murdered him! Ladies and gentlemen, mental health is not a joke, I'm sure you all know this...It's a very serious thing. That's why I'm starting a foundation that will help people with mental issues get help and counseling. I'm calling it 'Jessie's House' named after...The best person I ever knew..." The audience claps and cheers. "Thank you everyone, before I go, I want you all to remember one thing...No matter how bad life gets, now matter how much BS comes in your way..." Ashley pulls out Jessie's coin and shows the audience. "Ut ex supra movere, just keep on moving on, thank you..." The audience claps and cheers for Ashley as she walks off stage.

Ashley, and Leila eventually became a married couple. They adopt Mary and move back to Ferrisville. Ashley retires from the FBI and focuses on her goal of "Making the world beautiful, one sane mind at a time." Jeff's girl's separate and go their own way, never to be seen again. Thus concludes this tragic tale of a boy who lost his mind, and the tale of a girl who never gave up. Thus concludes the tale...of Jeff the Killer.

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